Japanese Brand Chocochip Cookie Questions

Sep 06, 2012 00:35

For a few years I've been watching the brand Chocochip Cookie thru the GLBs and their website. I like their designs, and they seem plus-size friendly. However, I know nothing about them and hate using shopping services, so I've never bought from them.
Have any of you owned or seen their clothes? Is the clothing quality on par with the bigger brands? Just what is the max to the fully-shirred dresses?

Also, I saw that they have a "happy set" (http://chocochip-cookie.ocnk.net/product/116) now and I am temped to take the plunge. Would any of the Japanese speakers mind giving me a translation of the description? Google translate was a little broken and unclear.
CHOCOCHIPのお洋服大物の二点《ワンピース・ JSK・スカート・ブラウスのいずれか》は最低はいります。 春夏秋冬ミックスでお届けになります。  ★好きな色1色★嫌いな色1色をアンケートに記入下さい。 中身考慮します。  CHOCOCHIPお持ちのお洋服がありましたらアンケート記入下さい。 中身組み合わせ考慮します。 始めてロリータちゃんも手始めにいかがですか? 福袋の為、返品や交換は出来ません。 予めご了承下さい。 送料込み価格です。 福袋用に作ってはいません。

Thanks so much for any help!

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