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momo_6548 June 29 2012, 01:00:36 UTC
Goodness, you make it sound like glasses will change your entire appearance! In truth, it really won't change things that much. You'll be able to wear the same makeup (the glasses make it harder to see, but there isn't too much to be done about that) and basic black frames go with most anything. I wear Ray-Bans, and the wide black frames don't affect the overall look of my outfits at all. Just like with regular outfits, glasses are made to work with most any coords because they are a daily necessity.

If you're really worried, is there any way you could get contacts? Accuvue makes contact lenses for astigmatism and I've heard they're very comfortable. I have both contacts and glasses, the contacts are my go-to but I don't mind wearing my glasses. You also can get good deals on colored lenses from your eye doctor if you choose to get them for lolita.

Overall, don't sweat it! Glasses are very in right now. While other people are off buying fake glasses to look cool, yours look cool and help you see! Best of luck!

(since you asked for coord pictures, here's one of me wearing lolita while wearing my glasses: http://i1161.photobucket.com/albums/q516/ellenobrien34/IMG_0307.jpg )


sugaryalchemist June 29 2012, 01:16:36 UTC
Haha, I just worry since I've never really looked good in ANY glasses until I spotted this pair at my brother's eye appointment. I was also under the impression that there are different ways of doing your eye makeup that work better with glasses~

I am actually terrified of poking myself in the eye with a sphere of plastic, and I was always a little envious of the people with glasses; I'm excited but also sad that my vision isn't perfect anymore XD

Thank you so much for the advice! I hope it all gets straightened out quickly so I can start experimenting with them and new looks. That co-ord looks adorable, and you're right, the glasses totally work!


momo_6548 June 29 2012, 01:27:44 UTC
No problem! I think the only advice I've heard about makeup with glasses is to focus on makeup that enlarges your eyes. I don't change mine between contacts and glasses, but I'm just lazy. xD I've heard that focusing on mascara that 'opens' your eyes or eyeshadow colors that enhance your eye color can help highlight your eyes and make them pop behind the frames.

If you ever want to give contacts a try, I'm sure your eye doctor could let you try on a pair in store just for kicks (they have tons of trial pairs). It may seem terrifying (I freaked out the first time I tried to put them in. My mom had to hold my hand so it wouldn't flinch back), but after the first time you realize it isn't as scary as it seems. Most of the time I don't feel mine at all, and touching my eye has become a routine things. I totally respect your plan to just use glasses though, if contacts aren't something you'd be interested in it can save you some hassles.

Thanks for the comment about my coord! I'm a new lolita so I'm just starting to put things together. For some reason a lot of my pictures I'm wearing glasses, mostly because my new clothes seem to arrive on days that I'm being lazy and not wearing contacts. xD

Like I said before, I wish you luck in your new experiences with glasses! I hope everything works out!


anniewearslace June 29 2012, 11:09:19 UTC
Momo_6548 is exactly right: they really won't change you very much :) I kinda love my glasses in any situation as while they don't change you they can change an outfit and that is kinda awesome!

As someone who wears glasses and makeup to uni most days: mascara is quite useful, as is eyeliner. But also try to play around with contours and blush as with your glasses you can get quite cool shadow effects that can be quite high fashion looking.

Picking new glasses is so fun :) Im all envy as i won't be going back in until sept!


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