(Yes, sorry, it's another picture request post for painting references ^^*)
I want to do a bunch of Lolita paintings and wood burns, and I think it would be fun to do some off of actual pictures. I'm looking for anything that's at an actual setting (glamor shots, picnic photos, etc), not any group convention shots or anything like that--and I don't want to paint anyone without their consent, so single person photos of yourself are preferred. (I could always do some creative cropping, so if you post anything with multiple people in it, please mention which one is you ^^*) I'm not going to be picky about the style of Lolita or anything (though I may change it in the painting), pictures with an interesting background (giant doom gardens, dead houses, etc) are preferable.
Anything I decide to paint/burn will most likely be cropped, have things changed/adjusted/added/subtracted, done not-so-realistic, so it won't be an exact copy of the same composition. Multiple pictures from the same day would be preferable (easier for details and backgrounds). Please reply with either links to actual pictures, or gallery links.
Anything I paint/burn, I plan on selling (art fairs, anime conventions, online, or to you if you want), so please don't reply with pictures unless you're cool with your face being sold and hung up in someone's living space. ;) Credit will definitely be given, so please include your name (you can message me with it if you don't want it public)--anyone that doesn't leave a name with their pictures or in my inbox will have their LJ username referenced.
Thanks in advance ^^ I'll post things as they are finished to