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choupinette September 10 2011, 22:49:56 UTC
I'll do that right away with one of my personal ones so that your potential new baby will be nice and new still <3

Let me tally up these invoices and I'll get right on it!


choupinette September 10 2011, 23:06:41 UTC
Just took a webcam picture for you ;9
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/296553_10150450056614097_580944096_11061638_1504617112_n.jpg"This wig is da bomb." (I've cut bangs into mine.)

Ah, I just thought; The one I put on for you obviously isn't red. Are you wanting to see the color? :3


Wig 2 - Peachy Red tight-curled wig with pigtails robotkittenarmy September 11 2011, 09:23:51 UTC
I'm interested in seeing the color as well. Is it pretty much the same style/length?


Re: Wig 2 - Peachy Red tight-curled wig with pigtails choupinette September 11 2011, 12:44:43 UTC
Same style, same length. No bangs cut into them, that'll be your artistic pleasure ;3

The color of the red wig is rather true to it's picture. At a personal-space range it has a peachy pink hair woven in for about ever 10 or 15 red hairs that gives it a nice luster.

The color is amazing, but the wig isn't shiny. (How do they do it?)


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