major renovation, pt 2

Jul 05, 2006 08:02

Part 2 is because the electrician already came out. This one's a doozy, though!

Here's pictures

our carpenter came out on Saturday and framed in a new door in the back (different location), and installed it. Then on Sunday, he framed and installed a new huge 4'x7' window we bought. And then we wrapped the house and waterproofed the exterior. You can see in the "before" pictures how poorly the roofline was done, as well as just general stuff about how *not* to put in a new room.

Before all that, we replaced some plaster with some drywall, and while the carpenter was here, kate painted the upstairs. Now the ceilings are done upstairs, and the walls are primed and just waiting for the floors.

So now we're all set. Today the floor guys are coming out, and then we're just about done!
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