Sep 02, 2015 22:13
Zendikar is a set that I am emotionally connected to. It might be the third most important set for me (1st being Weatherlight as that is when I started playing, 2nd being Lorwyn which is another story) It reminds me of the good old times at the Batter’s box, drafting with my friends. We didn’t have the awful draft experience with it that most had, as we were not to net heavy in drafting then. I remember being excited to get the fetches for my Legacy decks (I miss Legacy, looking forward to duels for duals).
I distinctly remember Mr. Snow and myself hoping it was a dinosaur based set. Seeing the stone rocks in the graphic lead us to believe that. Also we were really hoping for dinosaurs to be coming and fucking shit up. But I guess they can save that for another block (and if the Evolve key word doesn’t make it in there…)
So I find it natural to write about my initial thoughts for its long awaited sequel. There are not enough cards to speculate on the draft environment yet so today I’m going to talk about the mechanics for the set. I may also talk about Gideon, Ulamog, the double check cycle of lands, and the Zendikar Expeditions later.
So let’s start with my favorite returning mechanic: Allies, or rather Rally.
Listening to Maro’s podcast drive to work he talked about how the Allies adding +1/+1 counters to them when they came into play confused some people for evaluating the cards, not understanding Oran-Reif Survivalist was a 2/2 for 2CMC instead of a 1/1. Neither my friends nor I ever found this confusing, but it apparently caused some issues. In original Zendikar there was also Allies like Joraga Bard, which had the Rally mechanic on it.
I believe it is Wizard’s stance to keyword things like this, and I’m happy to have it key worded. It really jumps out for new players that “Allies are a thing, draft me!” If we do not get anymore +1+/1 counter Allies, and they are instead all one shot affects I’m O.k. with that. I think Rally is a mechanic for limited, and having everything consistent as a one shot affect makes it easier to track.
Rally get my seal of approval for a good mechanic and an improvement over the previous.
Now we’ll talk about the big returning mechanic that everyone wants to Landfall
First thing’s first: Plated Geopede and company are a mistake I’m sure Wizards will avoid this time. Now that that is out of the way…
I love Landfall as a mechanic for three reasons:
1. It removes dead land draws late in the game
2. It teaches new players to play out their lands well
3. Rewarding better players by letting them save lands for affects when needed.
The two preview cards for Landfall home run #1 out of the park. With these guys on the table I’m happy to draw a land late game. Both are threats that allow your land to be as effective as a smaller casting cost spell.
Landfall also shows up in constructed. Even beyond the previous offenders cards like Sunspring Expedition and Khalni Heart Expedition saw play.
Landfall is a A+ mechanic I am happy to see in any set (except giving first strike creatures +2 power) It will be the implementation of the mechanic that will tell if it is better in previous Zendikar. But with Maro admitting Geopede was a mistake, and from the preview cards I have high hopes.
Let’s move on to flavor kicker aka. Awaken. In terms of flavor I’m O.k. with this. I understand Zendikar is dangerous and the land is an obstacle, deadly etc. but unless the story is the land itself (and I mean itself, not help from Nissa) to destroy the Eldrazi I’m not sold on it. The fact is appeared on a black card doesn’t help as that means it can be in every color, and that is the least Black feeling thing.
In terms of gameplay I think it is great. Produces choice on if you cast the spell now, or wait for the ‘full effect’. I can even see a card like Ruinous Path being a 2nd tier finisher in standard. Unless they print a very aggressively costed Awaken cost I don’t see it being a main way to finish thing, but “kill you dude, make a dude” is not a bad sentence to hear.
Overall I give Awaken a meh as a Mechanic. Its flavor is O.k. and playable if the card it is on is playable, but nothing I’m getting excited for.
Devoid is purely a flavor key word. They could have the reminder text, as the text and it would work. So why key word it? To make the Eldrazi really feel different. Do you actually remember Dread Drone is an Eldrazi? Ya, neither did I.
Different frame, own key word, I believe this to be a flavor win, and since that is it’s only purpose a good mechanic.
Now Eldrazi’s don’t Annihilate anymore, they Ingest. First the name of the key word is great, and it show the Eldrazi’s desire to consume. Adding mill is fine as that is the dream for many players. There is also interesting design space that can be used with this.
I can’t talk to Ingest for a limited environment until I see more commons. There is room for gameplay with it, but if they keep the ‘do stuff with ingestion’ at higher rarity it may be impossible to use it effectively.
I don’t see this making a splash in constructed. Nightveil Spector had a similar affect, but was mainly played because of its casting cost. If there is a playable card you can get some value out of with Ingest great, otherwise you won’t see it. The fact the ingestion should come on higher casting cost Eldrazi is another strike for it in constructed. I’m betting the format will slow down, but I can’t see it that much. Epically to the point where Ingest will win the game.
I’m reserving my full verdict for Ingest in limited, though I do not have high explications. As a flavor it is good, but I don’t see a bright future for a constructed application.
Finally we have Converge. I have not seen many of this, but I’m guessing the flavor is the different forces (colors) coming together to beat the Eldrazi.
This seems like a constructed mechanic to me, with all the three color deck floating around. It’s a way to give a nod to Khans without printing more three color cards.
In limited I am much more wary. There may be a Converge deck; I can see them printing a 5 mana token producer Converge card. Without the common duel color lands, however, it is unlikely. If there are common lands with comes into play affects it is possible you can get the deck taking Evolving Wilds early, but I don’t see this being a strong architype.
Converge will have a few strong constructed cards. That is good; Battle for Zen needs a strong constructed mechanic. But flavor wise this is subpar. I foresee it being bad for limited also.
There are my initial thoughts. Overall I think battle of Zendikar will be a great set. I think we got a strong flavor upgrade from original Zendikar and Rise. I’m counting on Converge to be the strong constructed mechanic.
magic the gathering