If Play On is my treat, Inuyasha must be my trick

Nov 01, 2009 05:48


This is what I thought because watching IY has been like a dreaded weekly chore. My enthusiasm for it lessens each week. (Did I even have enthusiasm to begin with?) I watch it because my obsession compels me to do so, but it always leaves me in a fhsaidhrksaj mood for the rest of the day. I couldn't even bring myself to watch it today. I just didn't care. Besides, it was Halloween and I had better things to do, like gorge myself on candy and play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (although that has nothing to do with it being Halloween, the game just owns my soul).

But now Halloween's over and I thought I should just get it over with because at some point, I have to watch it. It's kinda like when Chandler found Monica and Richard's sex tape, and he didn't wanna watch it, but he had to watch it. Stop talking about Friends.


We begin with Kikyou this time (Seriously, can we ever start with characters I actually like?) meeting up with Kohaku in 409.

Then we head to the end of 438 with Kouga separating from his companions. This time, VIZ translates "yase ookami" as "crazy wolf." Make up your mind on your translations, VIZ! ...Then it's a scene from 439! Kouga grabs Kagome's hands... You know what that means... TESSAIGAAAA~~~!!1!1! HEE. Despite all the Kouga lately, it's been mostly without IY, which means none of IY's EPIC JEALOUSLY. But now we finally get some! YAY! *happy fangirl* Oh, and VIZ? Nee-san =/= Miss Kagome, kthx.


In what's supposed to be some form of 416, Kinka and Ginka fight each other because they're retarded. Mouryoumaru's watching like he does in 419. Akago tells Mouryoumaru everything Kanna said to him in 417. I have good feelings about the adaption of this arc, don't you?

This scene starts in 399. When Toutousai's explaining about IY not being able to handle the crap Tessaiga absorbs, everyone (particularly Kagome) looks absolutely HORRIFIED. Way more than they do in the manga. It made me lol because it's just so DRAMATIC. XD Eventually the scene turns into the end of 425, with Toutousai telling IY to go see Yourei Taisei.

Back to Kinka and Ginka. This arc... isn't even recognizable. No Inu-tachi and the entire thing's on speed. On top of that, they threw in Sesshoumaru and Byakuya's meeting from 401. (WHY IS SESS IN EVERY EPISODE?!?!?!) Sess asks Byakuya what Mouryoumaru is doing, which is canon, except Mouryoumaru is doing something entirely different in the anime than he is in the manga. It never ceases to amaze me (not in a good way) how the anime can cut and paste this series together. Sesshoumaru suddenly comes out and wants to fight Mouryoumaru. I... don't know why. But Byakuya suddenly surrounds him in paper cranes so Mouryoumaru can escape. Sess Meidou Zangetsuha's them away. Oh, yeah, you sure showed those paper cranes, Sess! What a loltastic scene. XD

Anyway, enough of that shit. We're in 426 and it's time for The Great Holy Demon Spirit Yourei Taisei! And it... follows the manga almost exactly. o.o The anime... following the manga...? I... I think I need to lie down... Miroku refers to him as "Yourei Taisei-sama" which VIZ translates as "wise one." -_-


We come back and we're in 427, and... WE'RE STILL FOLLOWING THE MANGA!! Holy crap! Did a new staff take over?! ...Maybe not, though, because I did notice that they had IY calling him Zoukin Sennin (dishrag hermit or something like that) all the time, while in the manga, he just calls him that in the beginning (when he insults him for being hanyou, so it's warranted) and Yourei Taisei the rest of the time. You can't ever do it completely right, can you, anime? But you know who can? KAPPEI. When Yourei Taisei increases the chains on Tessaiga, IY mutters, "Oi... kusari ga fuetazo." Kappei's delivery of this line is just... SO PERFECT. It requires multiple viewings. Oh, Kappei. ILY so much. <3 Youketsu is introduced here. Or demon vortex, as VIZ calls it... IY uses Hijin Kessou to get out of the youkai's gasp, while he appears to use Sankon Tessou in the manga. A needless change, but I can take little things like this if it means the rest of the story is intact.

We head into 429 with IY carrying Kagome on his back. Her hand is on his shoulder and I can't help but notice that her nails seem really long. Did she get a manicure or something? Am I focusing on the wrong things? XD Again, IY doesn't call Yourei Taisei by his name, instead calling him Zoukin-jijii and Zoukin Sennin again. You know, at this point, he thinks that he's talking to Yourei Taisei's murderer, demanding to know why he killed him, and he still refers to him insultingly? They even changed when he refers to him as jijii in canon to Zoukin Sennin. Obviously, they take out all the references to the Nikosen arc, since they skipped over that, but, meh... it doesn't really matter. When the oni spits a bunch of crap at IY, he reacts in the manga, but in the anime, he just keeps on running like it's no biggie and he doesn't even feel it. XD Miroku, Sango, and Shippou finally come back, a bit later than they do in the manga, but this is not something I'll complain about. I like it when it's just Inuyasha and Kagome. XD IY collapses when it's all over in the manga, but in the anime, he's just fine! No biggie! I'm glad they kept Yourei Taisei saying he'll tell him later and IY stepping on his face and demanding to be told now. And I also loved IY's "apology" to Yourei Taisei. Another great delivery by Kappei. And so was Satsuki's delivery of Kagome telling IY that it should be "thank you." Teehee, I love fun scenes like those! It seems like all the fun stuff has gotten taken out because they've been too busy RUSHING EVERYTHING. See, anime, isn't it better NOT to rush and cram? You did a good job with this episode. (The Yourei Taisei part, at least. The butchering of Kinka and Ginka was horrific.)

So, to sum up... THIS EPISODE WASN'T A COMPLETE DISASTER!! IT'S JUST MINDBLOWING! Next week: Youmeiju and Mouryoumaru DIES! ...Wow, nothing else was in the preview. Does this mean there won't be five storylines going on at once? Could things actually be looking up for this whirlwind of a series?! Otanoshimi ni!!!

P.S. Buy Play On on Tuesday!!!!!

inuyasha, pokémon, kanketsu-hen, anime, carrie underwood

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