
Oct 25, 2009 01:00

AAA's new single, Hide-away, was released this week. As it turns out, Hide-away and With you are essentially the same song, just with (mostly) different lyrics. In fact, the other two songs on the single, Hide & Seek and Find you, are also versions of Hide-away/With you, just with different music and lyrics, but the melody's the same. Oh, and if you want to get all of these songs, you have to buy all three versions of the single. Typical money-hungry avex.

Did you know the beginning of the song's in English? I had no idea! Apparently he's chanting "yes!" and then goes on to say "I'll take you to the higher stage, now you got blazin'." Listen to it and lol at how horribly mispronounced it is. I'm glad that the ED ends where it does because after that, they start rapping. Japanese rap makes me lol.

I gotta admit, though... the song's really grown on me... *sigh*


"The following program is brought to you with limited commercial interruption by HPV.com." Inuyasha is brought to me by an STD. That's excellent. XD

We open with Sess. Again. -_- You know, I was really hoping this would be a Sess-less episode. It really is a pointless scene, though. He just ponders Meidou Zangetsuha with flashbacks to the previous episode. There's no real reason for it. I think they just wanted to have Sess in the episode, so they threw in this scene. (At least it's his only scene...)

Amazingly, we're actually continuing in some kind of order, as we begin at 386 with Inuyasha and Toutousai discussing Dakki. Last week went through the end of 385... and now they're continuing at the beginning of 386. =O

Episode Title: Ryuurin no Tessaiga, which translates to COVERING ONLY ONE STORYLINE IS STILL AN IMPOSSIBILITY.

We come back and continue with Toushuu... exactly where we left off before the title card! O_O What are you doing, anime? You're actually following things in order! This must be killing you! It's certainly confusing me, as my brain's not jumping around trying to catch up with what's going on! However, they take out Inu-tachi traveling there and Myouga telling them about Toushuu. So IY just shows up all "KAZE NO KIZU!!`1!1" without explanation and then Myouga talks about him. So I guess not everything is in order. But, hey, you gotta take what you can get with this series.

One of the things you can't get from this series, apparently? A single storyline. We must cover a bunch in one episode. Which is why we jump to 432! And the scene starts with a youkai making silly noises that make me giggle, although I'm not sure it's supposed to. XD But there's Kai and his adorable little brother, Shinta! VIZ translates Shinta calling Kai an-chan as bro. (gg, is that you?) Byakuya FINALLY gets his introduction here, in 433. His first appearance in the manga is 397, which the anime hasn't gotten to yet, although they've already covered several arcs that included Byakuya, except, because they went out of order, they couldn't include Byakuya in them. Man, I wonder what this series is like for people who haven't read the manga. It seems like it'd be really confusing. I mean, I have read the manga and I get confused. O_o

Back to Inuyasha fighting Ryuujin. We get a "BAKURYUUHA!1!!1" here, which thrills me. Bakuryuuha's one of IY's lesser-used attacks and I LOVE how Kappei says it, so it's always extra exciting to hear it, since it's rare. =D Toushuu's mark from Ryuujin is revealed at the end of the scene. Although it's revealed long before Ryuujin dies in the manga. A lot of stuff in this arc is switched up, changed, or removed, though. Again, you take what you can get...

And now we get... KOUGA! And Kai. Not much to say about it, other than I liked this arc. I like Kai. =) Although it does amaze me, anime, the way you can have an episode that covers stories 50 chapters apart. (And you've done even further before...)

We go back to Inu-tachi. The anime makes IY so much more... agile. I mean, they have him do a back flip in the middle of a sword fight. o.o; It's sunset when Toushuu starts his flashback, less than 40 seconds later, we come back and it's nearly dark! I love how time works in anime. It's like how the sun can rise completely in five seconds. XD We get another DELICIOUS delivery of "BAKURYUUHAAA!!~1`!" Mmm, I love you, Kappei.

Kai again. With Byakuya and the youkai whose voice makes me giggle. Kouga shows up and goes all Wolverine. Inu-tachi are supposed to be here, but they're busy dealing with something that happened 50 chapters before this. It's really too bad because then they don't get to do the awesome scene where Kouga just suddenly tells Kagome he loves children. Hands down, one of Kouga's best lines ever. XD (Although, even if they were there, the line probably would have been taken out anyway, which would have pissed me off even more, so maybe it's better this way...)


Inu-tachi. Inuyasha tells Toushuu that he and Tessaiga are one, which makes me think of how Google takes this literally and translates Tessaiga as Inuyasha. XD As we finish up this arc, Ginta and Hakkaku go running by, chasing after Kouga. Yay! Inu-tachi and Kouga are finally gonna meet up!

Kai and Kouga come upon Mouryoumaru. Mouryoumaru uses Raimeihou here, but that's not what he attacks Kouga with in the manga. Raimeihou was Meioujuu's attack, and Mouryoumaru did take Meioujuu's armor, but I can't remember if he ever used that attack in the manga. Anyway... "KAZE NO KIZU!!`1`" Yeah! IY's here! And VIZ translates inukkoro as... as... PUP?! OH GOD WHY VIZ WHY?!?! IT'S BAD ENOUGH YOU USE THIS IN YOUR MANGA TRANSLATIONS, NOW YOU HAVE TO USE IT IN YOUR ANIME SUBTITLES, TOO?! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?! STOP USING FANON, YOU DUMBASSES!! Mouryoumaru steals Kongousouha, which is actually supposed to happen in 403, not 435, but whatever. VIZ translates IY's yase ookami as wolf boy. Err, well, it's better than pup, but still... >.> Tessaiga getting hot is correct with the timeline they're going with, but not correct with this particular arc because it's so far ahead. Stupid things like this just annoy me. Once again, IY performs amazing feats by... flipping around in the air. XD Finally we get some of that lovely IY/Kouga banter we've been missing out on. Teehee! I love it! VIZ has IY call Kouga "freak" which is, uh... yeah... XD But dammit, everytime I see that stupid "pup" written on the screen, I want to throw something. I HATE THAT WORD. Inu-tachi meet Byakuya, someone they were supposed to have met 40 chapters ago. (And IY is unconscious throughout this introduction, so... lol.) When he leaves, VIZ has him say adieu. So, uh... apparently Byakuya's French? Like Shippou? They end the scene like 398-399, except that the "backfire" didn't seem to happen. It's more like he was just pushed back. Weird.

Still, the final scene between Naraku and Byakuya is from 399, so, uh... I really just don't know what's going on. lol

So, to sum up... it was a good episode for Kappei screaming attacks, also for IY/Kouga goodness, but overall, I have no idea what the hell is going on. Next week: Kinka and Ginka, Sess (AGAIN?!), and Yourei-Taisei! Otanoshimi ni!!!

inuyasha, kanketsu-hen, j-pop, anime

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