Apr 30, 2013 23:50


I... No, seriously, WHAT. THE. FUCK.

I can't even. I just can't.

But, okay, I'll try. *deep, cleansing breath*

So. I was looking up J-Pop shit on Google Images. I do this a lot. I listen to almost all of the artists who did songs for Inuyasha, so it's not unusual for Inuyasha shit to pop up in my searches for these people. I saw this image that was Inuyasha pulling Kagome out of the well from the final chapter. Except... it was... different. Only slightly, but still. I thought it was fanart. I was impressed, because they captured her style almost identically.



Apparently, as charity for those affected by the earthquake/tsunami two years ago, Shogakukan had new one-shot chapters of their old series. It's called HEROS COME BACK. Yup, HEROS. Engrish FTW! HIIROOZU KAMUBAKKU!!

Funnily enough, I actually did hear about this. Sorta. I've seen "HEROS COME BACK" stuff on Japanese fanart sites. I thought it was just a thing the JIYFAC (that's an acronym I just made up for the Japanese Inuyasha Fanart Community) was doing or something. Because... WELL, WHY WOULD I THINK THERE WOULD BE AN ACTUAL NEW CHAPTER OF INUYASHA AFTER ALMOST FIVE YEARS?!?! I don't visit (English) Inuyasha sites anymore (if they even still exist/are updated) and I don't frequent anime/manga sites too often. Yet, for some reason, I always figured I'd hear about it if something like this ever happened (not that I ever thought it would). Like I have Inuyasha telepathy or something. Wtf. Why do I think these things. I only recently found out, months later, that Kanketsu-hen THE FINAL ACT!!`1 is finally out on DVD in America. (Again, discovered this while looking up J-Pop. lol)

My mind is fucking blown. Like, even more than it was when Kanketsu-hen was announced. Inuyasha makes my brain explode. IT NEVER ENDS. And, like... I have this recurring dream that RT has made a continuation of Inuyasha. Either a one-shot (I'M PSYCHIC!) or enough to fill a tankouban (probably 8-10 chapters). Of course, since it's my subconscious, OBVIOUSLY the main focus is on married!InuKag and their baby. I'd wake up all like, "Aww... But that'll never happen." Hah. Never say never with this series, apparently. Not that this is an InuKag special (unfortunately), but hey! You never know! Maybe someday!

ANYWAY. Let's talk about this. This new Inuyasha chapter. (LOL AM I ACTUALLY WRITING THESE WORDS???)

First off, this is the image that I saw that started this whole thing:

It's a little strange. For one, Inuyasha looks like he's, like, nine years old. And Kagome's face looks a bit weird, but it looked kinda weird in the original. I'm not sure why she redrew this image. Maybe to get back into the Inuyasha swing of things?

Here's a comparison. Old on left, new on right. (Although I should probably do the reverse since it's Japanese, eh? XD)

Fascinating, huh? The new one is bigger and shown from a slightly higher angle. I personally can't choose one over the other. There are things I like and dislike about both. For Kagome, I probably like the newer one. Like I said, her face looks weird in the original and it's always bugged me. (Not that I'm in love with this new look.) But for Inuyasha, it's probably the original. I've always adored the emotion on his face. It's always amazed me, RT's skill to draw emotion. The pure love in his eyes is just... GAH! I don't think it comes across as well in the new one. (I've spent way too long looking at this picture over the past 4+ years. And now I have a new one to scrutinize. RT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!) Maybe I should try combining them in Photoshop... Although that sounds like a lot of work, so I probably won't. Unless I get really bored one night.

Wow, that's enough rambling over the first page. Let's move on to the rest...

This 34-page epilogue chapter special thing is called Are Kara (Since Then) and takes place six months after Kagome came back. Because I don't feel simple text will do some of this stuff justice, I'll be using mah Photoshop skillz to combine Psylocke Scans' clean scanlation (since I'm not skilled in cleaning up manga myself) with the text from the shit-quality raw I downloaded (BUT HEY AT LEAST I FOUND IT!) because Japanese is awesome. (Oooooor I've just become such an obnoxious stuck-up snob when it comes to Inuyasha that I can't even stand to look at English translations anymore. And I also disagree with some of this group's translation choices.)

A great example of things text won't do justice is on the second page...


And also this. This is adorable. Kagome with MirSan's daughters. It's canon: the twins adore Kagome. (Who wouldn't? This also gives me a fic idea...) And MirSan's baby son is noticeably older because TIME! HAS! PASSED!

Oh, right. Besides me squeeing over pictures, this thing also has a plot. It starts with the husbands (hee) being late from their youkai exterminating job. Sango explains to Kagome that a landslide opened a tomb, setting free a sealed youkai. Switch to Inuyasha and Miroku, who see that the youkai is attacking people and removing their heads. Goddamn. Sometimes I forget how dark this series is. The youkai shows up, this ugly root-like thing with an eyeball and a mouth with human heads dangling from it. (Sexy.) Inuyasha is all, "TESSAIGAAAAAA!!`1!" (And I totally hear Kappei screaming it. *swoon*) But it escapes. The villagers thank Miroku, and Inuyasha's like, "Hey! I'm the one who did it!" XD I love you, IY. So good to see you haven't changed. XD

The youkai goes off stealing more heads. Kohaku, on Kirara, finds the carnage. And then Sesshoumaru shows up, saying it's a Ne no Kubi. Um, is he following Kohaku or something? Really, I would not be surprised if he was stalking him like a creeper.

At Kaede's, Inuyasha and Miroku show the arrow they apparently found at the tomb where the root thingy was sealed. Kaede has no doubt the arrow belonged to Kikyou. WHOA. ARE WE GOING TO BE BRINGING UP THE INU/KAG/KIK THING? I AM LISTENING. Kaede explains that before meeting Inuyasha, Kikyou was the one who sealed this youkai.

This is Inuyasha's reaction, by the way:

YMMV on what's going through his head. I don't read much into it, but I'm obviously a biased InuKag fan. An InuKik fan might think of it as him reminiscing what could have been or something. The text has him thinking, "Kikyou's..." as in her arrow, not her specifically. Inuyasha doesn't linger on it too much, though. He's itching to go get rid of this thing.

Over at the MirSan house is Sango, her three kids, Shippou (who's annoyed because the twins are attacking him *snicker*), Kagome, and Rin. They're waitin' for the boys. Shippou suspects there's a reason they're not being included in the conversation. Rin says that even she was asked to wait with Sango, surprising Kagome a bit. But she doesn't have too much time to ponder about it because she suddenly senses something and knows it's bad.

I find this to be AWESOME! Because she didn't use to be able to do that, which means that her spiritual powers have improved. Or rather, she's learned to use them better (since the power's always been there). It's known at the end of the series that she's working on that, so it's to be expected, but it's really exciting to actually see it. (At least it is to me.)

The Ne no Kubi bursts through the door, calling for Kikyou and the Shikon no Tama. (Two things that don't exist anymore. Sorry, buddy.) Sango Hiraikotsu's it the hell outta her house and leaves the kids with Shippou. The men come running, Miroku calling for Sango and Inuyasha screaming for Kagome. (Hee!!) Inuyasha tries to get it with Tessaiga, but it escapes back under the ground. He immediately makes sure Kagome's okay, and she's fine, but she's freaked over it calling her Kikyou.

Suddenly, she demands to know what Inuyasha's hiding. He backpedals and says he's not hiding anything...

And then Kagome grows a tail.

Stupid kitsune.

Miroku points out that this is all irrelevant, since it's after Kagome, and the village is in danger with this thing on the loose, so they must get rid of it. So off they go! ITTEKIMASU~! (They don't say this. XD)

This is another thing that I got way more excited than I should have over. Of course we see Inuyasha carrying miko!Kagome at the end of the final chapter, but this is different. They're going off to battle together. As a married couple. There's just something about that I find... adorable. XD

As they travel, Inuyasha wonders if Kagome's angry and Kagome doesn't understand why Inuyasha was hiding it.


InuKag and MirSan deal with the roots that are all over the village now. Kohaku shows up, worried about his sister. Outside, Sesshoumaru is hovering over MirSan's house like a creeper and Shippou goes up to him in his floating ball form and is all, "Ummmmm, if you're just gonna stand there, how about helping?" But Jaken yells at him that a human village isn't something Sesshoumau needs to concern himself with because he's still an asshole. (Okay, maybe I added that last part.) Sango sees him and wonders if he's there to protect them. *snort* Clearly not enough to just take care of it himself, even though he easily could. He's obviously just there in case they fuck up and let Rin get hurt. Screw everyone else. (Seriously, why do people like this character?)

Sango thrusts her son into Kohaku's arms and tells him to babysit. His reaction is PRICELESS. XD

Then taijiya!Sango takes off on Kirara! Yeah! She may be a wife and mother now, but she can still kick ass!

So MirSan and InuKag are still fighting the roots, but they're never ending. Kagome tells Inuyasha to let her down, but he's all, "Don't be stupid! It's after YOU" That's exactly her point, though. Suddenly, Kikyou's arrow flies by, shot by Kaede to lure out the Ne no Kubi. It works. It jumps outta the ground, right under Kagome.

But she is saved by Inuyasha right before it eats her. Of course. ^_^

The youkai's true form is revealed. A huge knot of roots with eyeballs all over the place and giant mouth with razor sharp teeth. Human skulls of its victims are scattered in its roots. Lovely.

Here's a picture of Inuyasha carrying Kagome away from it. Just because.

The thing calls out for Kikyou, saying he'll eat the Shikon no Tama. Then the awesome starts. "I'll tell you this," Kagome says, her arrow aimed. "I am Kagome!" "And while we're at it," Inuyasha joins in, "the Shikon no Tama... IS NO LONGER IN THIS WORLD, IDIOT!"

THIS. PAGE. This page is so hot. Omg, I am dying. *fans self* Inuyasha and Kagome annihilating it together, that up close image of Inuyasha (HIS EYES!), and then you add me hearing Kappei's voice in my head? Omg. *dies*

As Kaede and Shippou watch this happening, Kaede remarks to herself how Kagome no longer has to rely on Kikyou's power. AWESOME! Growth and development! YAY!

Everything settles, and Inuyasha's pissed because Kagome almost got herself eaten. But Kagome says she thought Inuyasha would definitely save her. Inuyasha snaps that obviously he would save her! "Yeah, I trust you," she says. Omg, these two. I am dying.

Then she gets a little sad because she knows the reason he was hiding it from her was because it had to do with Kikyou. Inuyasha thinks he was right about her being mad, and she says she's not, but... OSUWARI. And she tells him to trust her a little more.

Okay. Mixed feelings on the osuwari. I'm not overly bothered by it, because I do kind of understand her frustration, but at the same time, it just feels really juvenile. I mean, they're MARRIED. She's not some 15-year-old girl anymore. Be a grown up. But... this probably had to be done. It's been over four and a half years, we gotta have an osuwari to make it feel as "Inuyasha" as possible. At least it was only one (it'd be multiple in the anime, I'm sure) and was semi-reasonable. But if I was the one writing this, I wouldn't have put it in. And speaking of writing... this has TOTALLY given me an idea for a fic! And I'm really excited about it!

Miroku comments on the nostalgia of it. Sango suggests going home. The kids are waiting.

Dude, this whole thing has been nostalgic. A new Inuyasha chapter after 4.5+ years? NATSUKASHII~





It's not a kiss, or even a hug, it's just them together. But... EEEEEE! To have a new image of these two like this after all these years makes me SQUEE! Because I LOVE them! I just adore them and they mean so much to me. They always will. And, honestly, this is something that I really needed right now. My other OTP has gone to shit and I've taken it hard. Really, really hard. (Hysterical crying was involved.) So to have this just puts the biggest grin on my face. And I love it.

So yeah. I loved this. It was really, really fun to have a new Inuyasha chapter after all these years. I mean, it's still weird because it's so wtf, but just to be reading a new chapter was such a strange yet awesome experience. It actually made me MISS it! Inuyasha is the only manga I've ever followed weekly and this brought back so many memories. Even though the manga dragged on way too long and got a bit stupid and boring, I still always looked forward to the new chapters every week. This was quite nostalgic indeed.

There's still a lot of things left to be desired from this series. Namely an InuKag kiss. I'll never stop wanting that and I'm still pissed we never got one. (That was one thing the anime did right. And that's a very rare compliment from me.) And there's lots of other little things I selfishly want to see/know, like where Inuyasha and Kagome live (I'm assuming they have their own house, but I'd love to see it!), what the names of MirSan's kids are (though RT kept a BUNCH characters nameless throughout the entire series, so this is no surprise from her), and a definitive answer of whether the well still works or not. Fandom consensus seems to be that it's closed and she's there permanently. But I think there's evidence that that's not the case. And I'd honestly prefer it that way. I hate the idea of her being completely cut off from her family. Although, really, the main reason I want to know these things is for fanfic purposes. lol

And speaking of fanfiction, perhaps the best part of this was that it gave me inspiration for a new fic! Yes! More like, it rekindled an idea for something I've wanted to write for a LONG time. Like... seven years. And there's another idea it gave me, but I'm not sure if I'll actually do that one. But whatever! Writing inspiration = AWESOME!

It's still kinda crazy that this happened back in February and apparently was announced all the way back in DECEMBER and I had no idea. But everything for a reason, I guess. This came at a time when I really needed it.

And the fact that it was done for charity? Well, that just makes it all the more better. I mean, how awesome is that?

...WOW, that was a lot of rambling. But when I found out about this, the first thing I thought was that I needed to go on LJ to write some long ass essay about it. It's what I do. XD

inuyasha, manga

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