The homestretch

Mar 24, 2010 23:16

Well, it's almost over, now, isn't it? I guess I'll pretend I care and watch.

Actually, I do care about the ending. It has lots of InuKag goodness. ^_^


We begin with the army assembled and Inuyasha announcing that they're not missing anyone. >=| UH, HELLO, WHAT ABOUT KOUGA?! HE IS MISSING. HE SHOULD BE THERE. HE HAS MORE REASON TO BE THERE THAN SESSHOUMARU DOES. FUCK YOU, RT.

Episode Title: Todokanu Omoi, which translates to NARAKU DIES! (SPOILER) AND IT'S ABOUT FREAKIN' TIME.

KAZAANA! HIRAIKOTSU! MEIDOU ZANGETSUHA! BAKUSAIGA! ...It's a smorgasbord of attacks! But Naraku is unfazed, consumes the Shikon no Tama, and transforms into something resembling a decomposing corpse. He's shooting out balls of shit (or shouki, same difference) from all over the place. Sess orders Jaken to GTFO, so as they leave, Rin gives Sango her mask back. Sango has a ~moment~ as she seems to realize how close she came to becoming OOC liekwhoa and killing the adorable that is Rin. God, that was dumb, RT. >.>

Since I haven't been watching, I think this is the first time I've heard Kappei screaming MEIDOU ZANGETSUHAAAAAA!!!1`1 and OMG IS IT HOT. Inuyasha uses this attack A LOT in this episode, and every single time, I felt my insides melt. God, Kappei, what you are able to do to me... *swoons* Kongousouha has long been my favorite attack for Kappei screaming, but... I dunno... it has some serious competition with Meidou Zangetsuha now. *fans self*

Anyway, Naraku has been closing in on the village, meaning when he dies, everyone will be killed by his shouki. Naturally, this horrifies everyone - save for Sesshoumaru, who doesn't give two shits about some stupid village. Aw, Sess. It's so nice to see how far you have[n't] come in this series. -_-

The Giant Ball of Naraku is purposely falling, so everyone decides to GTFO. Sess has this amazing revelation that Bakusaiga won't work against the Shikon no Tama. No shit. Everyone knows that's Kagome's job, you dumbass.

Once they're out, IY fires Meidou Zangetsuha at the Giant Ball of Naraku, and Kappei draws it out as MEEEEEEEIDOOOOU... ZANGETSUHAAAAAA!1!1 *melts*

As Kagome shoots her arrow at the Shikon no Tama, Naraku thinks about how his real wish was to have Kikyou's heart. He also realizes that he's not going to go to where she is. What, did you think you'd have hot afterlife sex with her or something? That's gross, man.

Kagome's arrow hits the Shikon no Tama, but thankfully this time it doesn't shatter into a million pieces that they need to collect. Then we'd have to start all over, and I really think this series has gone on long enough. XD

The Giant Ball of Naraku starts falling/rolling/exploding/dissolving, and Inuyasha grabs Kagome and rushes to escape it. Awwww, I love when he holds her. ^___^ So what if this is more out of necessity than to be romantic? IT STILL MAKES ME SQUEE. <333

The anime, which had been doing exceedingly well in this episode up to now, screws things up a bit when Naraku dies. As he says, the wish he made when Byakuya cut Kagome is supposed to be granted the moment he dies. And as such, in the manga, as soon as he's gone, the meidou appears behind Kagome. However, the anime gives Miroku a chance to check his hand and see that the Kazaana is gone, which doesn't happen in the manga until after Kagome has disappeared. Maybe the anime wanted Kagome to have the chance to see his curse broken or something. It's just weird, though, because it's still said that it's supposed to happen the moment Naraku dies, it just doesn't actually happen that way.

Whatever. Eventually the meidou shows up and starts sucking Kagome in. Inuyasha goes after her (obviously), and you see him get a lot closer to reaching her in the anime than you do in the manga. It's like episode 18, only with their hands instead of their lips. And just like in episode 18, it makes it all the more FRUSTRATING because you see that he's so close to reaching her. >.
After Kagome goes poof, they notice that the well is gone. Jump to modern Tokyo, where the well is disappearing there, too. And despite Souta telling them not to, Kagome's friends run into the shrine to see what's happening because they're nosy little bitches.

Back in the Sengoku Jidai, everyone's trying to find out what happened to Kagome, when Miroku brings up the Shikon no Tama. Inuyasha, whose mind is obviously consumed with nothing but thoughts of Kagome, is all, "O RITE!" and whips out Tessaiga, begging it to take him to Kagome (aww), and creates a mediou, Kappei screaming a sexilicious MEEEIDOOOU ZANGETSU...HAA!`!11 in the process. [brb, taking cold shower] He jumps into the meidou, determinedly declaring that he will find his girl, come hell or high water! (Okay, maybe he didn't use those exact words, but you know it's true!)

Flash to a shot of high school!Kagome, and then...


Now for glimpses of Kagome having a normal (read: boring) life. One of Kagome's dumb friends is too superficial to date some guy just because he's shorter than her. Shallow bitch.

When Kagome asks Jii-chan for her present for starting high school, VIZ's subtitles say, "Oh ya." That really made me cringe. Shouldn't they have editors to make sure "yeah" is spelled correctly? >.> During this conversation, we see Buyo GNATS washing his face. So cute. I love watching kitties wash their faces. ^_^

Later, when Kagome's asking her family about the shed that's in place of the well shrine, Souta is playing something that looks suspiciously like a Nintendo DS because RT forgot that this is supposed to be 1997. Then Kagome gets an e-mail on her phone from Houjou. Were Japanese cell phones capable of that in 1997, or is this another example of the series going on so long that even RT doesn't remember when it actually takes place anymore?

Kagome's outfit when she's out with Houjou is adorable. It isn't as noticeable in the manga, but in the anime, all colored and everything, you can really see how CUTE she looks! *o* As Kagome's stupid friends grill her about what happened with Houjou, I notice that one of them has blue eyes. Oh, so they can give her blue eyes, yet they change Kagome's canon eye color? Fuckers.

When Kagome passes Goshinboku and remembers about Inuyasha, the anime plays the gorgeous orchestral version of InuKag's theme that I love so much. <3 After, when her family can't see her, the anime makes Kagome slightly transparent and adds this glow around her. She reminds me of the ghosts from the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. lol

The Shikon no Tama's voice is... not at all what I was expecting. I imagined something much more menacing sounding. I really don't like the voice they went with at all. =/

VIZ translates Souta calling Inuyasha "inu no nii-chan" as "the big dog." -_- Just... no.

I'm glad the anime fixed Kagome inexplicably (and inconsistently) saying Ojii-chan, which RT suddenly had her start doing in the manga. (Further proof that she lost her mind toward the end of the series.) The anime changes it back to Jii-chan, like it should be.

And the episode ends with Inuyasha SCREAMING Kagome's name as he searches for her. Awwww. <3 But crap, now I have to wait till next week for all the good stuff. Should make for a great episode, though! (Provided the anime doesn't fuck everything up. Although I'd like to hope that they're not stupid enough to fuck with the end of the series.)

So, to sum up... Naraku's finally dead! Meidou Zangetsuha gets me hot! And Inuyasha loves Kagome! Next week: THE SERIES THAT NEVER ENDS FINALLY DOES! (PLZ ADD AN INUKAG KISS, ANIME, OMFG.)

inuyasha, kanketsu-hen, anime

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