494 owns my soul

Feb 02, 2010 02:35

When Kanketsu-hen was first announced, I honestly thought I was going to watch every episode. Even with the anime being the fail that it is and the fact that the manga's rather crappy toward the end. I was even slightly hopeful that this series wouldn't be a complete failfest, considering that the manga's done and they could make a clear plan for the whole series.

...I think I'd forgotten just how much I hate the anime. I hadn't really watched it in three years, and I've become so much more jaded and anti-anime since then. And clearly I'm a moron for ever thinking the anime could possibly change their retarded ways. >.>

That said, I was still looking forward to seeing 494, my favorite chapter, animated. Chronologically, it should have been in episode 14, and when it wasn't, I was ready to kill. Though I was holding out hope that it would be in a later episode, since the anime loves splicing and dicing so much. Then, when episode 18's title was revealed, it seemed like that was gonna be a gendai episode, so I figured they'd put it in there. So, while I didn't watch episode 17, I did watch the preview at the end to see if 494 was in it. And it was. But the excitement I thought I'd feel... really wasn't there. Seeing it all "anime-y" and with Kagome's stupid brown eyes made me angry. Oddly, for the first time, it seemed to occur to me that this is the anime and there was a very real possibility that they could screw up my sacred 494.

Again, I'd forgotten just how much I hate the anime.


Apparently we're starting off with chapter 519. I suppose this is where they left off last week, huh? So, Kagome has her nightmare about not passing her entrance exam and wakes up SCREAMING. In the manga, everyone's all O_O! But in the anime, there's... really no reaction. lol

Episode Title: Jinsei no Ichidaiji, which translates to THE INUKAG EPISODE - YAY.

Ugh, I forgot about Bakusaiga and Sess getting his arm back. HE DOES NOT DESERVE THAT ARM. (That sounds weird. XD) When Rin protests Sess leaving her in the manga, she's GRR SO ANGRY and it's hilarious. This doesn't come across at all in the anime and it's really boring.

After finishing 519, we're heading into 494. And already... things are weird. Inuyasha tells Kaede that Kagome went back home to fight a youkai called an entrance exam. *facepalm* DAMMIT, ANIME, STOP MAKING IY SOME IDIOT WHO THINKS KAGOME'S SCHOOLWORK IS A YOUKAI. NO SUCH SHIT EXISTS IN THE MANGA. Kaede is worried about Kagome, but IY's just like, "o its k, its safe there." LOLWHUT. SINCE WHEN ARE PLACES THAT SUPPOSEDLY HAVE YOUKAI SAFE? AND FURTHERMORE, ANIME, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE IT'S HAPPENING, IF INUYASHA THOUGHT KAGOME WAS FIGHTING A YOUKAI, HE WOULD GO WITH HER. Somehow, this stupid shit gets him back into canon and thinking about how he doesn't want Kagome to die like Kikyou. So why is he sending her off to fight some youkai by herself?

Anyway, Kagome's home, but her family's ditched her on a hot springs trip. So she rushes off to school... but it's Sunday! So she comes home, and we get a nice glance of Buyo GNATS yawning on the roof. She calls her friends, but they also ditched her aren't home. When told to call their cell phones, she thinks about how she doesn't have one and how the Sengoku Jidai's out of range. XDDD SRSLY ONE OF THE BEST LINES IN THE SERIES. IT STILL MAKES ME LOL SO MUCH. So she tries to go to sleep... but it's still daytime! Um, what's the problem here, Kagome? I sleep during the day all the time. In fact, it's when I normally sleep. XD So she makes some yakisoba. (Can I have some?!) Then she decides to study, but she misses everyone Inuyasha, and in her loneliness, ends up falling asleep. GOOD STUDYIN' THERE, KAGOME! She'll totally be ready to fight that entrance exam youkai.

Nighttime. Kagome starts waking up and notices something heavy on top of her. Dirty! How much do I love that Inuyasha covered her with a blanket? OH GOD SO MUCH. <3333333 When she notices that Inuyasha's there, she starts crying. How much do I love that Inuyasha FREAKS OUT over her tears? OH GOD SO MUCH. The anime actually adds onto this a bit. While in the manga, she explains that her tears are because he came, in the anime, she says she's so happy that he came. How much do I love that Inuyasha then gets all flustered and starts sputtering? OH GOD SO MUCH. Then he hands her the bow and says that Kaede said it'd help in her entrance exam battle. *FACEPALM* How much do I hate that the anime keeps insisting that Inuyasha is a retard? OH GOD SO MUCH. And you were doing so well, anime...

The bow delivered, Inuyasha starts to leave. In the manga, Kagome stops him by yanking on his hair. But in the anime? OSUWARI! *FACEFUCKINGPALM* YOU REALLY WANNA MAKE ME REGRET COMPLIMENTING YOU, DON'T YOU, ANIME?! Now, there's a lot of this series I haven't watched, but in what I have seen, each time she's sat him, it was completely canon. I was proud of you, anime. Thanks for ruining it.

Attempting to get back into canon, Inuyasha asks about Kagome liking this world. In the manga, she's clearly taken back and confused by the question. Her answer's like, "Uh... Well, yeah..." but in the anime, she's just instantly like, "Well, duh!" Ugh. Then, when she feels him for a fever, he completely SNAPS at her. His reaction is nowhere near that harsh in the manga. And when she starts saying it's okay if she's not there and he can go on a hot springs trip with Miroku and Sango, his look is... weird. We can't see his face in the manga, but I imagine it being an adorably confused look. Definitely not... whatever the hell it's supposed to be in the anime.

Suddenly, IY notices a Shikon no Tama key chain thingy. No, no, anime, 512 does not belong in my 494, kthx. Apparently, they didn't get the memo, though, because they continue on with it. As Inuyasha's talking, flashbacks from episode one are shown. Old animation is old. (Jeez, that was ten years ago, now, wasn't it? o.o;)

They finish their conversation from 512 and Kagome thanks IY for thinking of her. Oh, are we back in 494 again? She leans against him. Oh, yeah, definitely 494. <3 Her line is slightly altered from the manga, though. Dammit, anime, I was gonna record the audio and play it while reading the manga. Why must you ruin my plans? BUT THANK GOD INUYASHA'S LINE WAS LEFT INTACT. "DATTARA ORE WA, INOCHI WO KAKETE OMAE WO MAMORU." OMG KAPPEEEEEI!!!! ;_____; <3333 This chapter came out three years ago, and for those past three years, I have been dying to hear Kappei say that line. And it was perfect. Like I knew it would be. Kappei, you just cannot let me down. I love you so much.

Then... the almost-kiss! I really love how he tightens his hold on her hand. So sweet! And I LOVE the closeup of their lips. But wtf Kagome. Her teeth look clenched. At least Inuyasha opens his mouth. BUT STILL. It didn't stop me from pausing it and staring it for... way too long. They're so close!! Way more than we saw in the manga, which makes it all the more CRUEL when Souta shows up! I love how startled they both get. You'd think IY, especially, would have noticed something, but he's just way too overwhelmed by Kagome. I love it.

But poor Inuyasha, getting slammed into the floor like that. Way to overreact, Kagome. It's not like the guy hasn't been in your room before. Oh, but he usually isn't about to kiss you, huh? XD I love when Kagome's talking to Mama and Jii-chan and IY just sliiiiiiides out with his face smashed. POOR GUY. *squishes him* He got sooooooo close! XD And Kagome's all, "Oh, you guys could have stayed longer, because it's not like Inuyasha and I were going to kiss or anything, not at all, no siree, ahahahaha!!" lol


We're in 520 now, so it must be time for Kagome to fight the youkai take her entrance exam! I love that the people at the train station thought IY was a cosplayer. It just really amuses me. When he's on the train, the anime adds him remembering 494. While I enjoy the flashback, I don't like him thinking she's changed her mind. We don't have Inuyasha doubt Kagome's feelings, anime. After the flashback, though, the anime has him saying that he's not gonna take back what he said. That I like, as it just reiterates how serious he was about it. And I'm glad the anime seems to have no problem repeating it, since it does come up again later.

When Kagome gets off the train and loses her bag, the announcer dude is yelling at her because she's too close to the edge or whatever. ("ABUNAI DESHOU!!") I think it was meant to be funny, but it's just weird. Do they have actual people doing the announcing in Japan? I know we sure don't here, it's just creepy robot voices. Err, anyway... I love how IY sheepishly peeks out from behind the sign. It's adorable! And Kagome's friends... Man, those girls really are clueless, aren't they? All they notice is that he looks like he's flying. They didn't see the ears? lol

I love that IY doesn't really understand what's going on, but he recognizes that it's important to Kagome, so he encourages her to do her best. So sweet. ^_^ VIZ's translation of "ganbatte" is weird (again). They say, "go knock 'em out!" ...Um, yeah... Although, considering the fact that IY supposedly thinks she's going off to battle a youkai... >.> The anime has Kagome comparing the morning to a roller coaster. That shouldn't have made me as happy as it did, but I really love roller coasters. I'm always happy to hear them mentioned. =D

And thus... Kagome fought the youkai completed her exam!

Dude! New ending! I did not know about this. lol It's called Tooi Michi no Saki de and performed by Ai Takekawa. Uh... who? I have never heard of this person. But her debut single just came out in November. I guess that's why I don't know her. She's really new. The song is... nice. It'll have to grow on me, I suppose. Her voice reminds me of someone, but I can't figure out who. Animation-wise, it's a pretty boring ending. Especially when compared to Diamond, which was so gorgeous. And the lack of InuKag is highly disappointing to me.

So, to sum up... I love InuKag. And I love Kappei. It's a shame that both are wasted by this piece of shit anime. Although 494 could have been a lot worse, I have to admit. Next week: ...Oh, who cares? It's not like I'm gonna watch it.

inuyasha, kanketsu-hen, j-pop, anime

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