"let it be - naked"

Apr 23, 2004 11:40

"pools of sorrow, waves of joy are dancing in a paper cup...." ^_^

I remember reading somewhere that if you thought about the viewpoint of freshmen entering college this year, it would be something like "They've never known a world where John Lennon was alive. Or where Michael Jackson was a black man. Or without AIDS...."

Hmm...not quite sure what the point of that above little detour was about, except that it just points out the shortness of my little lifespan so far....no matter how long it's all seemed to me.

Reading through this lj of mine in the past week, I find I'm pretty amazed to see that I've had it for almost a year - and that I've made *fifteen* entries? Wow. *grins*
Even for all those of you who thought I was dead for good periods of that time; P
I'm still interested to see what it was that I've wanted to remember from the past year. And I realize that it is indeed good to keep track of oneself, just for the sake of feeling like you have indeed *lived* through then and all the time in between.

And because it's my birthday, my very special guest today is me, from a decade ago...If I look back across 'myself', I can see me when I was eleven, and it *is* almost like we're looking at each other from a landscape with a great gap in between us. And I realize that while I've spent so much time trying to ignore past, present, and future entropy and apathy - when I look at her, I can stop endlessly beating myself for not getting anywhere; for just spiraling downward with no differences. I'm not the same person, and she seems very young and fragile to me. And I realize that despite my 'best' efforts, things have changed for me. But when we look at each other we can still recognize each other despite our differences. And I feel like stopping her for a conversation. so.

*grabs '94 me* -
"Excuse me for being sappy"- and gives her a hug.

Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! You cut your hair?!?!? It's.....nice. Huh.
Yeah, I know. ^_^ We like it. Funny, isn't it.
What the hell is that little smily-pointy thing there?
It's a long story...besides, you already know it.
Oh. Yeah. You're obsessed with watching cartoons....?
Shh. Just think, we're going to be grateful for all the time we spent watching Darkwing and Talespin and Rescue Rangers and Tiny Toons and Batman...and don't forget TMNT.
Duhhh...the movie was cool, wasn't it? :) Even being non-animated...Hmmm...
Of course. And Animaniacs is a very very good thing. Did you *know*, where I'm from , there are *no* after-school cartoons on network anymore?
Ohhh....that sucks. So, what, you're just watching....Full House and Married with Children instead?
Oh, god. I thought you weren't going to embarrass us....
Hey, ignorance brings a lot more TV viewing time, stupid...So who's that? *points* -Look, now we've *got* *your* weird writing habits...*scowl*
Relax, it's okay, I promise! The guy in my icon is Amuro.
A moorow? Huh? You made the picture, really?
'Ah-mu-ro.' You'll get it, it'll just take a while....:P Yeah, you can do some pretty cool things with computers..
If you spend enough time with them...*rolls eyes* So we like him?
Mmmhm. Here, go get him to tell you what this is. *tosses plushie-Haro over*
It's cute (I guess)...What are you gonna do?
Watch TV. You're coming back, right?
Okay. Step by Step is on.....^^
I'll stick with the Simpsons. I need enough material for a decade of obscure references...
Hey, it's not gonna be on every night for at least another year, remember?
Are you going to finish your homework?
Hey, I need sleep, unlike you! Ok, I will; at least it's ridiculously easy stuff...
Oh, yeah? Then why haven't you done any of it yet?
Because I'm afraid of messing up.
But you're super-talented, you know you can do it, you just have to stay up till 12:30....*confused*
*sigh* I promise I'll finish it for you. I know how important it is. You go have fun, ok? I'll talk to you later.
We'll talk when I get back. You...have fun too. ^_^
*watches 11-me flying-jump on Amuro, who goes crashing to the floor and gives me a really pissed look...*

Amuro sez: You want me to tell her how you've devoted your life to the unconcealable fangirlish worship of me?
*I* don't see what's so great about you....-_-
Uh, I'm depressed and cranky and I hide in my room a lot?


We know Japanese now.
*not bad*.....!....
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