Because what else is an LJ for, but posting happy pictorial crap?

Feb 25, 2004 22:30

Alas, *sob, sob, dramatic sigh*.....I'm sure I'll be the only one to appreciate this.

Oh, well! (finally!!)

Frau & Amuro: Love is the Universal Constant. ((Since 0079, baby!)) And, oh yeah, "Screw Flanders-uh, Tomino!" ^__^

Who Needs Marriage?

Who Needs Marriage?

(code above is there for the message spreading)

((Though watch for changes. I'm still working on some taglines and variations. or feel free to paste the "universal constant" variation tagline in yourselves, you gifted people.))

"Someday we'll find it, the ray-bow connection: the lovers, the dreamers, and me! Lah dee dah dee dah dah doo....."
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