And so its over...

Feb 26, 2007 00:22 birthday is over, i am now 17 years old...
All in all its been a really great day and last night, primarily thanks to daniel...he is seriously the best brother a girl could ask for. i owe him so much :hug:
he threw me a miny party yesturday and he brought me pizzas today...which were yummy and we watched 28 days later...which i now own :D yay...kinda a birthday pressie to me of me and dan lol
and wow i love everyone so much! thank you all...
its amazing how just recently i really have learnt to appriciate how good all my friends and family are! I'm so utterly happy and peacefull...because i know, no matter what happens i still have someone i can turn to...
and i am so grateful i've been gven the opportuneity to live with dan and nat now...because there both such great people...they really do liven up my life!

and i just want everyone to know that even if i'm completely fucked up with my own life...I'm always there for each and everyone of you...please just call and we can talk for hours or meet up and bitch or comfort or anything. you guys really are great and i will do anything for all of you (well almost anything...i have to draw the line at feltching!)
hehe off to bed...was just really snuggly with manny and fallin asleep but then he had to go home (collage tomorrow) and now my beds lonely again!

I'm so happy and i really cant wait for next saturday! i was kinda worried about it till last night...cause there were only a few ppl here last night and it was such an awesome last night i really cant wait for saturday!!!

hope your all coming :P love you all

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