(no subject)

Mar 08, 2007 13:01

Cancelled all my cards. Thank God for moms who work at the DMV; a new license is also coming down for me.
Everything will be here within 7-10 business days.
In the meantime, I can take out money at the bank. I now have 20 dollars and an appetite. Who wants to hang out today? Get some food? Bambi?

I fell asleep around 2:30 AM. It would have been earlier, but my roommate and suitemate were making obnoxious and unnecessary noises from the other room as they studied that kept me awake. They were meowing, and belting out major scales at really high pitches and volumes. I think they were testing their falsetto ranges together, and they sat in there laughing about it really loudly. Even after I yelled "SHUT UP!" at them, and then closed the bathroom door so I wouldn't hear them, it continued audibly.

Anyway, that's not the end of the story. At 3:30 AM, our fire alarm went off. Perfect. I went outside until around 4:30 or 5 AM, came back in, and slept for a little while. Obviously slept through math... again. Hell, my roommate's alarm didn't even wake me up this morning!

A little while ago, I had just gotten back from the bank, when a bunch of bro-yeah-dudes in my hallway decided it would be fun to play a little FOOTBALLFOOTBALLFOOTBALLFOOTBALL... so just as I was falling into a nap, a football hit my door and woke me up. Then as I was falling asleep for the second time, it hit my door again. I put on some shorts and went out into the hallway and was about to let them have it, but before I even said anything, they were like "Sorry... sorry..." and they just looked so pitiful that I went back inside without yelling at them.

Little things that shouldn't bother people are really driving me insane lately.
I think I'm pretty close to my snapping point.

India and Colin are leaving for spring break soon. I will miss them.
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