Goodbye 2012.

Jan 01, 2013 00:24

Can't believe 2012 has ended, honestly I still don't. I figured 2012 would take forever to get by because I was going into a new school, meeting new people and doing new things. It was only till June, everything around me started changing. Close friends kept disappearing, too many and too often people would come in and out of my life, it slowly got to the point was I was too exhausted to feel anything. The change was scary, it scared me. Though 2012 wasn't really such a "wow, everything is going so well and smooth ugh I could die happy right now" year for me, it definitely taught me a lot and really changed me for the better. I know now the people who were always there for me and never left. The people who really appreciated each and every single thing I do for them and would make an effort to say a courteous thank you (some would even reciprocate). 2012 taught me to know hold onto the people who are dying to let go of you, to rid myself of the delusion that she/he wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him/her. 2012 made me wiser, stronger and more determined to improve. I'm thankful for everything that has happened and all that has changed. I look forward to an eventful and (hopefully) life-changing 2013.

Happy new year, everybody.
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