Fic Update: Identity Crisis

May 17, 2009 12:56

Identity Crisis has been updated with Chapter Fourteen.
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Story Summary: When Sango's confidence is shaken, she struggles to find her way back to being the woman she was.
Chapter Summary: Another battle is brewing.
Warnings: Mature content.
Link: Fanfiction.Net, MediaMiner.Org

I apologize for taking so long to post this chapter. I actually wrote it in record time, but real life got in the way for most of April and the first few weeks of May, and I didn't get a chance to actually sit down and write it until a few days ago.

In other, fandom-related news:

I would like to thank landofthekwt and yumi_michiyo for nominating Identity Crisis (Best Romance: Miroku/Sango) and Toward the Future (Best One-Shot) at the IYFG this quarter. Thanks, guys! And good luck to all of you on my friends-list that were also nominated this quarter!

pairing: miroku/sango, fic: identity crisis, fanfic, fanfic: inuyasha

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