Fic Update: Season of Sorrow

May 27, 2010 09:35

Title: Season of Sorrow
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Rating: M
Warnings: Mature themes, character death. It's darkfic.
Summary: Losing her family and her village was just the beginning.
Link: The beginning is here. The current installment is here. (Alternate links: FF.Net, AO3)


Let the mindfuck begin! :D Miroku was introduced in the last chapter, and I carried his POV over into this one, to hopefully give a fresh perspective on what's going on, and a bit better insight into what Naraku is capable of. One of the things I'm really enjoying about this story is working to make Naraku an omnipresent threat... without having him actually be present more than he needs to be. It's a challenge to keep tightening the thread of tension in the story and maintain the dark and (mostly) hopeless atmosphere without letting the tale become dull and predictable in the process. And keeping the characterization intact on top of all that is a tricky, tricky thing... but I like to think that I'm succeeding thus far.

You can thank iy_bsides for the speed of this update... I was determined to meet two challenges in a row, especially since one of the prompts for May worked very well for what I wanted to do with this story. Who knows? Maybe one of the June prompts will inspire me as well...

I'll just close this note off with a hint of some things to come: I've started a long AU piece for one of the upcoming prompts at mirsan_fics, I'm close to finishing a one-shot I've been sitting on for almost two years, and updates for Awry, Eternal, and Small Moments are also in the works. (And that's just for this fandom!)

fic: season of sorrow, fanfic, fanfic: inuyasha

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