Jul 31, 2005 22:00
So, shockingly enough, I had invites to two different things on Saturday night, and even more shockingly, I seriously considered going for more than half a moment. Of course I didn't end up going, which I was glad about, when I found out my sister had been hospitalized in the late afternoon. She had been having stomach pains for over a week now, and it finally got so bad that she went to the hospital. She is still there now, and will probably be there all day tomorrow. We are obviously hoping she will get to go home sometime tomorrow, but seeing as they have had her for a day and a half now, and still don't know what is wrong with her, that seems a little unlikely.
They suspected gallstones, but none of the scans are showing any, and she is still experiencing pain that is only relieved by morphine. Once the morphone wears off however, it is just heart wrenching to see her face. They haven't let her eat anything since she was admitted, which sucks a lot.
However, the main reason I am telling you all this, is that when the IV nurse came to fix her IV, I did a triple take at the guy's name tag. It said- get ready for this- A Fluffy Bunny, RN.
After blinking several times, I told my sister to look at the guy's name tag in Chinese. My sister did the reasonable, grown up thing that I was incapable of doing- she asked him if that was his actual name. It was! He had it legally changed! At this point, I had to run out of the room, because I could not stop myself from laughing hysterically. So my sister had her IV changed by A Fluffy Bunny.
Ah, life gives you silly just when you need it most.
So that was my weekend. I've been at NYU Medical Center way way too many times in the past few years. I'm growing rather tired of it. NO ONE else is allowed to fall ill on my watch, you hear me?