(no subject)

Jun 07, 2005 18:12

My search logs keep showing that "lisa cho" is being googled quite a bit these past few weeks. Unfortunately, seeing as how "Lisa" and "Cho" are ridiculously common names, and "Lisa Cho" is a rather common name as well, I can't get all excited and/or suspicious that people are trying to stalk me. They're probably trying to stalk some Korean girl, and keep winding up at the lame website I haven't updated in a year.

I keep intending to set aside specific time to do something to the website. Change it, delete it, anything. But months have gone by and I still haven't. Ah well. It no longer is disconcerting to me, this love/hate relationship I have with it. It has become rather, a part of my jumble of worries and anxieties. Workschoolfamilyapartmentpeoplemagazine.

Anyway. I've been... I don't know what I've been doing really. I've been reading a lot, and thinking a lot, and in general, trying to take myself a lot less seriously. I think it may be working, but then I get all caught up and obsessed over the stupidest thing and I know I am still a self-absorbed freak of nature.

It's really hot now. I know I didn't like the wet and cold, but the humid and hot is rather disgusting. It takes being in an un-air-conditioned subway car with a lot of gross, smelly, sweaty people to remind me of this.

Oh well. I am going to see Spoon tomorrow, so that should be good. That is the last band I have determined I need to see perform in concert. Then, I'm hanging up my concert goingness. Mostly because I really hate other people, and secondly because, I really don't have the attention span to focus on a band for a solid 45-120 minutes. I feel bad about it, but it's the same way I really can't focus on books on tape, or people reading aloud to me. And I realize that I can't really think of myself as a good listener, because I actually stop listening after about 5 minutes. I'm a good listener as in I don't interrupt- but I totally drift off.

Anyway, apparently I will be getting braces soon. This sucks. But the orthodontist who originally did my braces when I was 12 is going to be doing them again, and for free. I think he is doing it for free, partially because he feels guilty that they didn't take the first time around, but also because my sister happens to be working in the same office for now. So in a couple of weeks or so, I will have 4 teeth ripped out of my head, separators put in, and then 12-18 months of metalgear. Fabulous. Starting the school year with braces. Ah. Terrific. Oh well. What can you do?
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