(no subject)

May 24, 2009 20:59

Mental Update:
I want to be pregnant forever, and not just because I'm frightened of the whole "delivery" part that I am told comes at the end.

I've been served ice-cream in the bathtub, can add anything I want to the shopping trolley without raising any eyebrows, have an excuse to eat snacks and meals as often as I want and I don't have to lift anything heavy.

I suppose though, if I am pregnant forever, that means that I won't get my 9 month maternity vacation, which I am also looking forward to. I'll have to get a very comfortable buggy to push those kids in so that I can easily be out and about.

Physical Update:
My stomach has started to expand, and I look like I have half of a cantaloupe stuck under my shirt. But, much more exciting: I think I might have a little bit of cleavage starting to appear!

Activities Update:
My Chinese club is going okay; I get about 4 students who attend most weeks. The Brownies are doing well; they have been raising money for a charity that helps girls in Africa have an opportunity to go to school. My English language student is becoming more confident, but I don't know if her English is actually improving at all. My Chinese course is finished for the year, but I won't find out my results for a long time (I only hope I pass). Work is going alright and just this past Friday, I've had students asking for the first time if I am pregnant - I told them yes, and have had them start to brainstorm names. The most horrible name suggestion so far is Neville.

The Countdown to summer:
Vacation for me for 1 full week, then 7 weeks of teaching left before the summer vacation!
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