early labour?!?!

Aug 11, 2006 06:52

well, I had a busy day yesterday...

I woke up in the morning with what i thought were strong braxton hicks... but they went on every 5-7mins for several hours, so i called the labour ward...

I went in and was monitored and examined, and the decision was that it is early labour... so it is just a question of waiting for things to happen properly...

Sadly it all seems to have slowed down/stopped over night... so i'm really rather miserable. I am hoping that this is just a pause and that it will all start up again as both baby and i are apparently all ready physically... i'm certainly ready mentally - i've had enough! hehe...

So yeah - baby could be here in the next couple of days if it all gets going again... if not, then it could still be another couple of weeks...
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