She was like a candle in the wind... unreliable.

Mar 09, 2010 16:15

My productivity is being severely hampered by Richard Ayoade today. After last night's Ayoade-off, I've been re-watching Darkplace all afternoon, and I've now just started on Man to Man with Dean Learner. >.>

the_reverand, larkworth and thickets, I hold you ALL responsible for this ( Read more... )

noel fieldmouse, julian barratt is a dreamboat, moar ayoade, wtf

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Comments 4

the_reverand March 9 2010, 22:59:43 UTC
Hehe... Oh! I have Man to Man coming Thursday!! (According to!) I've never seen it and I'm excited! Also, AD/BC!

He looks like a girl there in the bad way. Like a trucker hat-wearing girl. Oh dear. I kind of dig that shirt, though.

I think Julian fished his shirt out of my old clothes from elementary school.


eggnogged March 9 2010, 23:43:52 UTC
I'd never seen Man to Man before today, but it turns out it's all on YouTube. I've watched the first two and have to tear myself away now for dinner, some housework, and catch up on school work. >.>

Dean Learner is so awful and hilarious in this, I can't even. Richard Ayoade as a rich playboy? Yes please. I'd be part of his harem any day. XD There should be more Dean fanfic out there!


thirstyrobot March 10 2010, 00:31:04 UTC
LOL, clearly Noel went to the 1980s and beat up a girls' softball team for their clothes and possibly also their hairdos. As for Mr. Barratt.... I would swear blind I've seen that shirt on Noel. Maybe it is the signals from my fetching tinfoil bonnet interfering with my thoughts.

Also, Ayoade is TEH SEX.


eggnogged March 10 2010, 01:48:43 UTC
Hahah, clearly he has! I'm enjoying the tight shirt, but not so much the ghetto hat.

Hah, they are SO sharing clothes! More evidence is this stripey jumper, which is clearly too big for him and THEREFORE definitely belongs to Julian. I refuse to consider any other explanation.

Tinfoil bonnets are very fashionable this time of year.


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