I'm boggling at the current results of NME's sexiest men of 2010 poll. The dudes from MUSE?
I love Muse, I really do. I've seen them live 3 times, I did the fangirl stalking after a show in 2004 and got them to sign stuff for me and take pictures with them. They are awesome live and very talented boys. What they are not, though, are SEXY. Their fangirls must be out in droves voting for them.
Noel is next in line though, despite the fugly picture they chose for him. Still not as bad as the pic they chose for Barratt though, and they spelled his name wrong. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE. He's still the only dude on there who got a 10 from me, though. >.> Let's get Ju up higher guyze!