Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2013 23:11

...or Unattached Drifter Christmas, whichever one you prefer.

I got the best V-day gift ever in form of fic from the_reverand! :D :D :D It has original flavour Sam/Dean AND Femchesters all in one lovely package, because she knows me very well. Parallel universes and soulmates and a lot of hot porn, and it's awesome and everyone who is even mildly into Wincest ( Read more... )

fandom, rev, rec

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rwkstah February 19 2013, 06:15:49 UTC
Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh ladyfriends! Though her recent bout of Sam tolerance is making me VERY NERVOUS and clearly you are to blame!!!

I liked the last ep, though to be honest after last season, almost ALL of S8 has been an improvement! I am pleased that things seem to be taking a turn for the better. And MOAR glasses!Dean please!!!


eggnogged February 19 2013, 20:07:03 UTC

Kidding, I'm not really sorry! The funny thing is that I actually liked Dean better when I first started watching. I don't know what happened, man! Also, I started watching SPN cause J & Mercy well really into it and I wanted to hang out with the cool kids. I fully expected to be all about Dean/Cas cause that's what they were into, but THE HEART WANTS WHAT IT WANTS, MAN.

The first half of S8 has been worse than S7 for me. S7 had its faults of course, the Leviathan arc was a big ol mess and the pacing was all over the place. It was like they set up this big storyline and had no idea how to end it.

But I can forgive stuff like that when I can buy what the characters are doing -- Sam & Dean felt like strangers in the beginning of S8. idek, it's like the writers tried to do a reboot for some reason, and the way they set it up was clunky as hell. I enjoyed parts of it (like Benny! okay, mostly Benny) but I doubt I'll want to re-watch those eps. Now it feels like we've climbed the hill and come up on the other side and it's starting to feel like SPN again! I've enjoyed the show a lot more since it came back after the holidays.



rwkstah February 20 2013, 12:40:47 UTC
The funny thing is that I, too, started watching SPN because Mercy and J (and seemingly my entire tumblr feed all of the sudden!) was watching SPN and I had run out of other TV shows to watch repeatedly. I, too, actually liked Dean and Dean/Cas better and then... oh wait NO AND THEN BECAUSE I HAVE TASTE. ;)

I didn't hate the first half of S8! I hated about half the episodes, but I agree that a lot of bro-breakups and weird OOC-ness was a bit rampant, but I don't think some of the new charas helped that (I can take/leave Benny at anytime, same to you, Mrs. Tran.) But S7 was just a giant messy bullshit letdown.

I am really hoping that the second half of the season they've got their shit together, but NGL, I want to have some more insight into this Cas brain-control business. And I will not apologize for this ramble.


eggnogged February 20 2013, 17:42:46 UTC
I enjoy Dean/Cas AUs but I don't really ship them in the show canon. Also, I loved Cas when he was introduced and through most of S4-S5 but now -- UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT -- I can kind of take or leave him. I like him, but I also wouldn't care if he was written out. When the angel mind-control thing first happened I thought maybe that would make me care about Cas again, but so far? Not really. I feel like they don't know what to do with Cas now! As an angel he's too powerful of an ally, so they keep having to fuck with him and it's getting a bit old.

Part of me thinks it would have been better if his storyline had ended with the end of S5. He used to be such a badass! Now he's either comic relief or a woobie.

That's not to say that I don't love the hell out of this jerk, though:


rwkstah February 21 2013, 09:25:01 UTC
I...your opinion. It is so unpopular, it's outrageous! :P Nah, I totally understand what you're saying re: don't know what to do with Cas as a character, I just find him so entertaining/enthralling that I can't bring myself to jump the fence. NGL I liked him working secretly with Crowley and it biting him in the ass, that was the ONLY part of S7 I could get behind. I hope he becomes more of a badass again, but I don't hold my breath.

That's the first gif you've probably ever used that I approve of. WELL DONE YOU.


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