It's funny how different episode reactions tend to be between Tumblr folks and LJ folks. I read all the squee and the quoted dialogue on Tumblr and I can't help but think that I must be getting bitter in my old age. XD
Anyway, uh, I don't have a ton of positive stuff to say about this one. Stay away if you don't want me to harsh your squee.
Good things: Sam's hair, Papa Ackles, that freaking adorable dog.
The rest really fell flat for me. You'd think in theory I'd love having Dean making what amounts to declarations of love to Sam, but he didn't even seem convinced himself! It was like he was trying to talk himself into it, the whole, 'I belong here with you.' And even though I kinda resent Sam's current attitude (not that I don't empathize with him if all is as it seems, but I still have trouble BELIEVING it), even though part of me is still shrieking, "BUT THAT'S NOT SAM", I still somehow get annoyed at DEAN for dismissing everything Sam has to say. ARGH. None of their conversations made ANY sense to me in this episode. I don't get why they're even saying this stuff to each other. WHO ARE YOU GUYS.
Also, I am a little annoyed by the implication that this past year was Sam's first chance at love & a normal life? Like, did Stanford and Jessica not count at all? If anything he was a lot more sane and balanced back then!
Dean looked even more orange than usual. And I've been hoping for a normal hunt this week, and we got that, but it was kinda lame and confusing?! Plus it was full of really awkward exposition-heavy dialogue. idk who wrote it, but man, some of that was BAD.
...anyway. The bro relationship feels seriously fucked up this season. I can only hope that it's 100% intentional because at least that means that THEY (hopefully) WILL FIX IT. Although, barring some epic surprise about Sam's year, I don't really see how they will do that other than have Sam (yet again) realize the errors of his ways or whatever. Because haven't we done that already?
Man, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. And I hate being all Negative Nancy about this. I have to remember that it's only three episodes in! DEEP BREATHS.