
Sep 22, 2012 13:14

I'm kind of enjoying being involved in a fandom again after a year long hiatus!

I've mostly finished a 15K fic for the SamDean Minibang, which contains crap I never thought I'd be interested in writing (genderswap! het incest! wtf is wrong with meeeeee! this fucking show, man!) that I still have to go through and edit. I haven't heard back from my artist though, I hope she's alright and hasn't fallen off the face of the earth. :/

Also I signed up for the SPN_J2 Christmas exchange despite the fact that I never ever sign up for that stuff usually, but I'm looking forward to that. I can't wait to get the name of my recipient so I can go through the prompts and start thinking up ideas. :D Stupid SPN, I really didn't think it would be this addictive. >.< THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, the_reverand!!!

S8 soon! I'm nervous about it but Sam looks hella attractive in the previews. Urf. If I find the storyline disappointing, I can just watch it on mute. *__*

In other news, I watched the pilot of Revolution and kinda enjoyed it. I had pretty low expectations. Anyone else seen it? ALSO The Walking Dead comes back soon, aww yeah. And QI is back and NMTB starts back soon. I love this time of the year.

I've watched Teen Wolf up to late Season Two (I think I'm only missing the last two or three eps). Stiles is easily the best part about the show, but I also really like the dude who plays Jackson, and most of the adults/parents. I can't really get into it though because a) the plot isn't very engaging for me, and b) I don't ship anything in it. I generally require at least one of those to be invested in a show! I can't ship Stiles/Derek because I'm not a fan of the dude who plays Derek. I find his Tall, Dark & Mysterious act to be very one note. Sorry, Derek and Derek-fans! But I'm a bit sad that I'm not into it because I WANT to like it.

I like the bits of interviews I've seen from the show runner. I like his attitude and this world he's created where there's no racism and homophobia and I think it's cool that the high school jock who is pretty much an asshole is best friends with a dude who is openly gay. I like that the teenage girls are sexually active but there is no slut shaming. I like that the (straight & teenage) male lead can go into a gay bar and not get freaked out when a guy buys him a drink. But beyond all that, I like how cool the cast and show runners are about fandom and shipping, and how there doesn't seem to be this mocking undercurrent of 'the fans are fucking nuts'. They seem to have fun with it, but not in that patronizing "but seriously, no homo" way. It's the one show where I can actually see the possibility that a popular slash couple could become canon because the people behind the show have figured out what the fans want to see and are willing to go with it. Now, I don't always want my ships to become canon cause often it goes all wrong (I'm looking at you, House/Cuddy!), but in this case I'm not at all invested and I think it would set a cool precedent. Teen Wolf is interacting with its fandom in a way that hasn't really been done before and I have to applaud them for that even when I'm not a huge fan of the show.

fandom, nerd

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