Title: Fast Fuse
Pairing: Bank Robber/Getaway Driver
Summary: Nearly 3 years after their first encounter, robber and driver meet again.
Word count: 4,800 (this part)
Rating: NC-17 overall
Disclaimer: I gave them new names and all, but I don't own Mint Royale, or their video, or Julian and Noel for that matter. No harm is meant.
Author's Notes: (TL;DR
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Comments 43
Can't wait for this to appear on BSH so it can be appreciated by the masses! :D
I'll pencil you in for some hot incest action. Is next week ok for you?
So, in conclusion, yes. Next Wendesday works for me.
I LOVE the contrast between grr-I-am-a-cop!Elliot (nasty little recidivist unf unf) and I-am-adorable-and-work-in-a-record-shop!Elliot. It makes me itch to know where in the middle of those the real him is.
And Jon just can't resist! :D Buying records he can't play, lovesick puppy indeed. And counting the minutes while he's waiting, nice callback. For fuck’s sake, he’s supposed to be a hardened criminal ...but powerless against those baby blues.
I also love that you've set this a bit in the future--most MR fics I've read haven't got that far and I always want them to.
I know there's going to be much of the serious and the issues, but right now I'm just squealing and grinning. ♥ ♥
Yeah, Jon is hopeless. HOPELESS.
This fic kind of took over my life over the past month, so it makes me so glad that people enjoy it so far.
It kind of worried me a bit since MR has no canon whatsoever, and starting characters from scratch is kind of scary. >.>
Anyway, I didn't see the prologue when it was originally posted, but now that I'm caught up I have to say I'm really looking forward to more. There isn't nearly enough MR fic, and as much as I love the typical bad guys on the run take, this is incredibly fresh - I see it came from a prompt, but you're doing an awesome job with it. ;)
Thank you for reading and commenting! <3 Next part should be up in a day or two.
Looking forward to the rest!
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