Oct 05, 2008 23:07
So, lets not talk about Highlander: The Source. It was pretty well just a source of crap.
Even the crappy episodes of that series had better writing. It's as if the writers sat down and said: "I know, we'll have them have overly emotional dialogue ruined by bad musical mixing and mood, over shot with inconsistent lighting, filters and camera styles, set complete with characters who are impossibly irrelevent and when we put Adrian Paul in it, People will buy it anyway!"
It was hilarious the guy who was trying to get set on fire in a stack of tires. The heroes ride in, knock over the poor man in tires and he ends up trying to roll over the flames that were meant for him originally anyway. The look on the actors face was so impossible, as if to say "Help me, I'm stuck in this stack of tires, rolling over a flame feature put togather by a possibly incompetent crew!"
Hilarity ensued. I"m still a bit giggly over it.
this is not sewing