May 22, 2005 18:12
Disclaimer- This entry is just a rambling of my thoughts, if you get offended too bad- its my journal! Hehe
For some reason I was thinkin back on high school. During high school I thought that it was the best time of my life. I thought that the friends I had would be my best friends for ever, nothing could change, nothing could go wrong.....Amazing how two short years out of high school has shaped my life so incredibly. Its not a bad thing at all. Looking back to senior year of high school I had a real tight group of awesome friends. I was gettin decent grades in school, I turned was good. Graduation rolled in and things were even better. Im finally out of the confinment once known as Peabody High. Summer '03 was awesome. Went to Arizona with the YG, formed some great friendships that are still in place today, and that was the begining of the end of some other great friendships as well. September 2003 came along, this is it- off to college I go. I was the last outta my group of friends to head off to school. I moved into my room, met my roomie and still stayed in touch with friends from home. Freshman year was great. I got used to living on my own, made some great friendships at school. Summer time came and it was time to move back home for 4 months. I came back to the city that I had grew up in- but I felt like it was brand new to me. Adjustment was hard the first few weeks back home last summer. I started to hang out a lot with two people (for the record Im not using any names). They became really good friends of mine which is awesome. I tried to get in contact with someone else, that particular person must have moved on and done her own thing and forgot to tell me about it. I'll admit- that hurt, what went on between myself and her hurt alot, Im still not fully over it. At that point last summer I knew things were changing and there was no way for me to stop it, as much as I wanted to. Mid-summer I go hang out for a weekend with my friends from college...which was so much fun. In August I had to get surgery for my tonsils (not so fun). The last weekend before it was time to move back to school some friends from school came out here and we went camping. Something that weekend happened (i honestly dont know what) but that started a snowball effect that carried over into first semester of sophmore year. When I moved back to BPC I had the same roomate (whom I love to death) but there was one change in our group of friends, and at that point I wasnt really sure if I was ready for it or not....but it turned out great. A lot of things went down first semester with myself and someone else, unfortunatly, other people got dragged into the mess as well. At the end of the semester something huge happened and I knew from that point on that it was going to be getting better for us in the long run. A few of us were really hurt by taht person, but we have moved on. Starting second semester sophmore year was good, I could tell that this was going to be great. Over break I went up to Montreal with some friends and had a blast. To me it seemed like a preview of how the next semester was going to pan out. I absolutley loved second semester and wish I was still there with my girls.
...The whole point of this entry is for me to get down in words some of what my mind has been dealing with the past two years. I miss high school a lot, and the friends I had there, but I dont think that I would trade the true friends I have now. There are only a handful of them, but I learned its better to have a few true friends than it is to have many fair-weather friends.