*peeks out from behind a rock*

Jul 27, 2011 12:36

Heyyyy everyone. Long time no post (again.. -_-;;)

I haven't posted anything on LJ in a while again. And it's not that I don't want to. I actually really miss posting on LJ tbh :(

Life just isn't working that way right now, it seems. I am trying my best to keep up with my f-list, and I made that more my priority than posting in my own journal, so I'm trying to make sure I comment on your guy's posts etc.. T_T

So, I'm gonna try to update y'all with what I've been up to lately.

Health: My health has been so up and down lately (which is weird because I hardly ever get sick..), but it seems to be on the upward movement finally. Whatever I had going on earlier, is getting better. It's not completely better by any means, but I am trying. Making sure that I eat healthy every day. A serving of veggies, a serving of fruit, a serving of dairy, and protein every day. Making sure that I eat a solid brunch (my first meal of the day is always too late for me to consider it a breakfast lol)

I'm trying to exercise regularly, very slowly getting back into it, and trying not to push myself too hard.

After Lotion got strep a few weeks ago, I managed to get whatever illness he had, which consisted of a cough that refused to go away. It took about 2 weeks for the cough to go away completely, and near the end of it I got a sinus infection and started taking antibiotics. Literally 2 days before I finished the antibiotic I ended up getting some sort of viral infection/illness which gave me a ridiculously sore throat and painful left eye.. it's finally a week after, and my throat is so much better. I feel like the clouds have parted and there's finally some sunshine coming my way, and the best part is the (actual) weather is really getting fantastic so I'm trying to spend some time outside

Work: I got another job doing some web design, and then an illustration job just plopped into my lap, which I'm really thankful for. I've been working furiously on both of those projects. Basically for the illustration job I am drawing the brochure cover for a local playwright company. Fun :)

My other "job" which I have been working on for a while, aka the random bunny game app, is actually.. on the iTunes app store right now and will be on the Amazon Android App store very shortly. THIS IS SO EXCITING! Those of you who follow me on Twitter maybe saw me posting about it, but yeah I mean seeing a game with graphics that I made on the actual iTunes store..? That's crazy.

The game is called "Usagi-chan Bunny Treats", and right now the only one up is the free version which doesn't have everything included in it, and there's also a little bit of work that needs to be done on it, but other than that it's just.. so fun to see this come to life ^^ I'm really happy with how crisp and clean the graphics look on the iPhone, so I can't wait to get it on my own Android phone and see what it looks like once it's released on Android :D

If you guys want to support me and get the game when the .99 cent one is released, I will let you all know when it's put up, or you can get the free version now and then upgrade when the time comes if you would like ^^

Social: I haven't had much of a social life, to be honest with you. The problem with not having money makes it hard to do that lol... but.. I'm coping with what I can..

There was an Arashi Fanmeet that happened recently and it was really fun. We snacked on food, watched Arashi concerts, variety shows, etc. Just a good, relaxed time.

Also can I also mention that my friend got me a TIME Aiba uchiwa as a present?? AHJKGHkalhdhgkdl!!! I've wanted one of those for so long T__T

Isn't it pretty?? :D

arashi-kai (嵐会), arashi, life, lookie what i got~!

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