I have 2 items on my mind, and they are both equally as important to me to write about, only they are on the exact opposite spectrum of each other.
In other words, one is depressing and the other is awesome.
This entry is going to be about the awesome.
So I recently bought Chrono Trigger for the DS. I used to play that game way back in the day, and I thought it looked like a really good port.. and I was right
The game is awesome, and they did such a good job porting it to DS!! I can't stop playing it
Anyway, like the Arashi dork that I am, this time I decided to name the characters after.. of course, Arashi
Chrono = Ohno (because Chrono does not talk/say a word the entire game like most oldschool RPG main characters, and also of course he is the leader of the group!)
Lucca = Masaki (because she is an inventor and kind of crazy!)
Marle = Jun (because.. well.. she is a princess
Frog = Sho (because he is very prideful and has a strong sense of justice... and he is just funny. For some reason the name 'Sho' just fits him
Robo = S.S. (for Sakurai Sho. I ran out of names at this point -- except of course for Nino. I was going to name him Nino, but he is way too nice and talks too formally to be a Nino
That's all the characters I've got so far, and I plan on of course putting Nino in there somewhere.
I haven't played this game in SO long, I hardly remember the characters honestly, but uh... get this:
There is an NPC in the game that you run into quite often.. HIS NAME IS TOMA. I AM NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP LMAO
AND the "legendary sword" that you are supposed to get has a name as well.
It is called.... "Masamune"........ and I cannot get over it.
Every time they mention it all I can think of is Koharu-chan yelling with her adorable smile, "Masamune-kun!!"
I am excited to see what other weird Arashi/JE tie-ins I can find with this game haha
Ok that is all.