Guys. I graduated today o_o;;; AHJKGHE:Ghag;dahG:HEU!!
Wtfff! And you would not believe how many compliments I got on my dress I mean, wow. I have never been complimented on what I am wearing more in my life
;; I got complimented by random people, the security guard, the janitor, my professors, and more. Today was such an eventful day omg x_x;; I am sooooo full!! and then tomorrow is Lotion's b-day!!!
I hope your day will be awesome and full of yummy cookie eating goodness ^____^b
Anyway, I also figured I should finish that photo meme that I was saying I was going to do... last week.
; ermm yeah. So anyway.. I decided to add a little.. twist to it.
Come join egg on the adventure of photo meme-y goodness! 8D
quinnsan requested the inside of my fridge!
...which is pretty empty. Riveting, I'm sure
missmomoko requested to see what exactly is inside of my bag??
I have with me at all times:
2 pens
Cell phone
USB jump drive
Random receipts I am too lazy to throw away
whoompah darling requested to see my collection of video games!
Here is... part of my collection
;; this includes most of my PS2, Gamecube, and DS games.. but it doesn't include my Wii, 360, PS3, GBA, SNES, and N64 games...
whoompah also reqested that I get a picture of my favorite shoes! But.. I am not a girl apparently as I own 2 pairs of shoes. Sneakers, and a nice pair for dresses.
;; sooo I don't really have a 'favorite' pair.. so I took pictures of my most prized SNES games! 8D
Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger boxed w/ the manual! 8D *huzzah!*
tomoyodesu wanted a picture of my backyardddd
Broken fences ftw!
adlizto requested a bunch of crazy stuff
first off, is my bedroom light switch!
Oh yeah. You can push my bedroom light switch any time of the day, baby.
Next up, computer chair wheels!
I sure do like me some toothpaste. I don't really ever have a preference, so I just get whatever is cheapest
First place I go to relax after a stressful day!
Why that's none other than here!
Shower curtain o_o
We don't have shower curtains, we have doors, sooo..
;; I took this.
My favorite drink!
This actually isn't my favorite drink anymore but it was at one time. If I had a Mitsuya Cider bottle I would have taken a picture of that. Or Afternoon Lemon Tea.
Hope you have enjoyed!!
I couldn't take all the requests because some required me to go to my school but I wasn't going to my school anymore ^^;; and also some of them just weren't able to happen, sorry!