DONE with shooting. FINALLY...
++ Today was our last day for shooting our final film. This class has seriously been my arch nemesis throughout this whole semester. Ugh! Now all that's left to do is EDIT. But, that means NO MORE GETTING UP SUPER FUCKING EARLY. Thank god.
++ Last night I only got 3 hours of sleep, so I'm about to pass out now. And I will, once I finish writing this >_>
++ Thanks for the tips on my
packing list, guys! :D It'll really help! And if you ever think of anything else that made your life easier when you went overseas, let me know.
++ I got a workout routine that supposedly drops you one size in 2 weeks. Once I get out of school, I'm going to start on that. All I need to do is drop one size, pretty much.. and I have 4 weeks before Japan, so that's plenty of time. I stole it from a magazine, so let's hope it works lol.
Your 2-Week Turnaround
Day 1 - Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 2 - Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 3 - Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 4 - Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 5 - Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 6 - Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 7 - Active rest (no formal workout, but keep moving throughout the day)
Day 8 - Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 9 - Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
Day 10 - Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 11 - Active rest
Day 12 - Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
Day 13 - Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 14 - Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
I won't go into detail of what Plan A and B are etc, but basically that's the gist of it. I think it'll work me hard, but it'll be worth it. I think only 1/2 hr a day. I can do it.. yeay! *half asleep cheer*
++ Not to be random, but WHERE THE FUK IS GONG YOO? wasn't he supposed to return from the military like... 3 months ago?!