Another mildly short update, in between running around and stuff x_X;
My room is a complete disaster area. It's in 1-day-before-anime-convention mode. >_>;;
Ahuhhuhu. So, after having multiple people tell me that my bag (which I've had since I've been in middle school or something? lmao) is really dirty and gross, I went out and got a new one with an old gift card I never used at Urban Outfitters. I really wasn't expecting to find anything, but I ended up finding a messenger bag.. I'm not really a purse person, I'm a bag person lol..
Anyway, I got it, and it was $54.00 so I was expecting to pay like $15 cuz I only had $40 on my card.. I get up to the counter, the guy scans it... and it's on sale for $19.99 lmao. Damn I'm good.
It was all because of you,
yuji, cuz I'd been contemplating getting a new one cuz I knew my old one was dirty and old.. xDD and she mentioned that it was an OLD bag when I was visiting her in Chicago ♥ hehe
ANYWAY, I got my final (I think) issue of Myojo today. I switched over to Potato cuz I think I'll get stuff that I'm more interested in (i.e. not Hey! Say! JUMP merch EVERY MONTH..) It's so colorful o_o;
There was a nice outdoor/indoor Arashi photoshoot in this one.. but there's a really strange one of Nino's ass for some reason.. :psyduck:
There's also a nice one of Ohno too.
And Yamapi seriously can't smile anymore.. and his haircut makes him look like a scary old lady :(( Sorry Yamapi!