でも!今日は、今まで生きてきて、お好み焼きを食べました!あ~美味しかった!!彼氏と日本のレストランに行って、お寿司とか味噌汁とかたこ焼きとかお握りを食べました。お握りの中に梅干が入りました。超美味しかった!!梅干が大好き!!YUMMY!! 思い返すと、、写真を取ればよかったのに!(この写真はインターネットから)完璧な形でした。また食べ行きたいよ!^^
And a meme D:
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quinnsan Rules:
1. List all of the nicknames you’ve been called by and the people who called you by the nickname.
2. Tag at least 10 people to do this, though really just tag as many people as you’d like. xD
1. Egg (Egg-chan, Eggy, Egg of the Eggplant Land (courtesy of
sujaeya): I won't go too far into detail on this one, but people have been calling me Egg since like seventh grade. Jen even called my house once and asked my mom, "Is Egg-chan there?" and she goes, "Yeah hold on one second.... SARAH!!"
2. Ping-Pong/Hot Dog: My sister decided it would be a good idea to name me "Ping Pong" and "Hot Dog" when I was born, because my parents couldn't think of a name. They obviously didn't choose that as my name, so I was called "baby" for like 2 months. My grandpa decided to go with it and he called me "Ping" for the longest time, although he hasn't called me that in a long time thank goodness.
3. Saraphim (Seraphim?): My grandma liked to call me this. It was cute.
And that's all I can think of D: Oh and I guess I have to tag people.
baanana, and
ohmeeyuh ^_^