Something SPN related!
I think all of the (albeit few) fics in my Memories are all weecest. Hurm. I go to predictable places when I'm depressed. (Hello, Batman/Robin!)
how you go crazy (Sam/Dean, NC-17, weecest) by
velvetine01 Just be careful - it's so good it might make you want to give up writing altogether (seriously.) or write a weecest big bang fic. One or the other. Or if you're me, both :D
In other news, I finished all of Doctor Who.
Aren't heartfelt scenes in diners during Christmastime just the best? I think so. I think they are.
I've been such a monster with my crazy brain the past few days. Half-hearted job hunting does that to me. Also, living. Also, the state taking my car away. But as of this morning, I CAN DRIVE AGAIN! Oh, the joy. I'm still broke, but hey, I got a $2000 car repair bill cut down to $175, which just goes to show that scams are awesome if they work in your favor.