Jun 18, 2013 14:06
I've started reading Derek/Stiles Teen Wolf fics. I blame Paxlux and Entanglednow ;) Really, some amazing writers doing this pairing, so I finally gave in and watched the show, and now I have a summer crush. Browsing AO3 lots and reading lots - anyone want to pimp me any Derek/Stiles fic recs? Thanks!!
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Sourwolf comes from S1 ep 6 I believe - Stiles says "Don't be such a sourwolf" to Derek. I like it when references to a show can be obscure, but I have to say I have a hard time admitting to ppl in public where the phrase on my sourwolf necklace comes from. At a rave full of teens and early 20 somethings, it's totally cool, but at a party full of thirty year old hipsters, not so much. I know where I belong ;)
I would not be reading fic right now if I didn't have a Kindle. It almost makes it too easy. I just need a good ereader for comic books, and then I'll be doomed hahaha.
IDK what I'm doing with my life, but I might as well try to have fun. I've always thought you were awesome, and it's super awesome you're in a band (I'm not totally surprised) and I hope you're having fun too. I'm sick in bed today, so I'm going to watch Sterek fanvids on youtube and eat a chocolate bar - you know, like a grown up ;)
Yeah, I was only barely into the show when I saw the promo vid "We're on a ship". It hasn't been very long that something like that would have caused an explosion in fandom and TV land and now it's barely a ripple, it seems. I'm not terribly well-informed about fandom meta, but I think you're not wrong about SPN being a major contributor to that.
I also am mostly liking the way gay characters and relationships are portrayed (with at least 2 canonically gay character so far, and as you said, their comfort level with homoeroticism): not as something weird or shameful or embarrassing, but as just something that's a part of life. "Some people are gay; so what?", which strikes me as entirely audience appropriate and a super hopeful sign of where our culture is headed.
(Tho there def seems to be fic bleed onto the show from what's happening to Derek's character this season, I am also a little worried about forced hetero romances - since they seemed to have given up with Dean a few years back, I think I got used to it. Alas, Derek will probably end up dating a teacher and will have very few scenes with Stiles.)
See, that's been bothering me a bit, but I can't really tell what fandom thinks about it because it's all on Tumblr and I have the devil of a time following any events over there, and I'm not connected enough to any other fansites to figure out if there's any sort of wank or fannish distress. I'd assume so, since Derek/Stiles is so immensely popular. (I shipped it starting about S1, Ep4, I think.) The best indicator of the fannish temper I've seen is reading the HObrien fic, which is another world altogether, one I find endlessly amusing.
Sourwolf comes from S1 ep 6 I believe - Stiles says "Don't be such a sourwolf" to Derek.
That's the only reference I could find, but it's so pervasive that I thought it was surely either something that had been mentioned more than once in the show, or that the TW reference itself was a shout-out to some other pop culture phenomenon. I guess it's a bit like the "bitch and jerk" thing that got so overused in SPN fandom?
I know what you mean about Tumblr - I've just been hanging out at http://fuckyeahstilesderek.tumblr.com/ because it's wank-free. I did click on a link the mod posted about fandom reaction to the new het love interest on the show, and then kicked myself for the rest of the day because reading about all that stuff puts me in a horrible mood. Again, I'll probably change in the future, but for right now I'm all about the fanmixes and pretty art and tweets.
I wanted to write to you because I stumbled upon another person on my flist who is into TeWo, and she posted about 150 sterek bookmarks on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Stoney/bookmarks?page=1
She's more mature and likes the explicit stuff too, and I'm only halfway through adding them to my kindle, but they seem really great, and many I haven't seen on other rec lists.
Now back to bed for me... I've been sick for a few days and my head hurts too much to read like I'd like to, so it's been BBC drama marathon weekend!
The rec list looks quite promising. As for HObrien fic, I just did an Ao3 search narrowed to "Teen Wolf RPF", Explicit rating, and turned up a really nice crop. There were a few exceptions, but the RPF is really much more uniformly good than the show fic, I thought. I even read some Tyler Posey/Colten Haynes fic that I really enjoyed, and one little Dylan O'Brien/Holland Roden PWP that I loved, although you could obviously narrow the search by pairing as well, if you wanted. I just block out the fact that they're all so friggin' young. As my friend Oschun says, "They may be too young for us, but they're not too young for each other."
Anyway, sorry you're sick. Hope you feel better soon. If you're anything like me, you're probably behind on TV anyway, so it's a perfect chance to catch up! :)
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