Oct 28, 2003 16:18
I really have to stop posting on this when I'm pissed. It's getting really bad. OK, so I'm skint yet I've been hideously pissed for the last five nights in a row (with work next day, might I add.) It makes a nice change people buying me booze, rather than the opposite.
Last night Jimmy and I got very, very drunk. We hung out of his window and turned the stereo up to 50 and sang at the people in the street. A group of little neds sang and danced. It was ace. Theater leavers were all shit. They didn't even wave. We then took to throwing clumps of grass (that I found in the drainpipe outside the rather high up window. Health and Safety is my forté) at taxis. Then came "the fight." The previous night I gave Jimmy a DDT and burned a hole in his head on contact with the ground. Last night I managed to rip the hole open and get blood everywhere. I was covered in blood. He was more covered in blood than I though. I then missed the bus and had to walk home in a very drunken manner (the half hour walk took me an hour and a half...)
On the way past the hospital I was attacked by a ned. Well, he kicked me a couple of times. I punched him in the face. It was ace. He then pittered back towards the hospital. Fucking Neds. Waking up covered in blood is not ace. Not as bad as waking up covered in your blood though. I hurt today. I'm never fighting again.
This is my first day off work in what seems like an age. I'm lost for something to do. I'm not even drinking and I still have six cans of lager. I think I'm just going to smoke lots and watch some DVDs. I might even make some food at some point. Oooh. Exciting stuff.