Jan 10, 2004 22:16
So it's been an age. What happened? I'm not too sure of that myself. One thing I do know is that there was a lot of booze, Es and tripping goodness. I actually have a 2C-I memory now! That's most likely because it was taken whilst on acid and really shit Es (those "gold" rolex things are SHITE!!!) I also found 4 Es in my room. That's when you know you had too many Es, when they're just lying baout in your room, hidden and you haven't noticed they're gone. Hopefully going to take those tonight despite being on a "not taking Es for a while" thing. I want to take more acid and 2Cs (specifically I, E, and T7) than is sensible over the coming months. Hope to get a sheet of acid soon. That should hopefully pay for itself and get me completely fucked in the process. Even if it ends up dunting my pocket it's not as if I'm going to care. I need to type out the chronicles of "GI Jimmy Jo Y-Joe" They're ace! Must also stop downloading songs that I'm only going to listen to once. But it's all fun.
Old in 17 days. Fear, fear, panic. Must get wasted the day before so not to notice.