Feb 25, 2005 03:00
aspro clear in coke makes it look like ginger beer. im scared to drink now. but i do want to get some sleep tonight. eww weird it acutally tasted a bit like ginger beer.
righto goodnight all.
p.s i feel there a need for some good drinking happening this weekend. so glory? kim? any prefrances as to what i should steal from my dad? im thinking vodka or jim bean... vodka cause it has less calories and i havnt seen vokda anna since last thursday morning, and jim cause Glory doesnt drink vodka and cause vodka anna is evil. but what ever it is.. we are playing I NEVER! cause i've never played.. and we always run out of things to toast to.
hrrm thinking now that if i had aspro clear with cock haha i mean coke does that mean i have aspro clear bubbles poping on my brain? cause that would explain alot.
and G just a bit of useless trivia as you know i asioate this album to alot of stuff in my life now and over the last month but this song will always be in my heart next to you. sorry i can't always say the things i feel but i am a woman of few words.
EDIT: stupid livejournal in the time it took me to post there was 6 new entrys on my friends page after like 4 hours of dribble.. including three posts of mine.. guess the stupid americans woke up. lol yay of oh no they didnt.. ok ok bed now. grr so had to say good bye.. eek