"Blue Tongue" pendant - sterling, ceramic and iolite
Listing HERE My day so far - besides doing the usual dishes and clothes and household stuff I had brunch with Chloe this morning (she had a doctor's appointment here in Franklin) and then came home to get on the phone and get a refund from McAfee. I accidentally had two accounts with them - one for an old defunct computer and one on my present laptop. They both were set for automatic renewals - I'll never do that again! The old computer had an email address that I couldn't access anymore so I didn't even know about the renewals. I only found out recently by checking my bank account and noticing 2 McAfee bills there. It has probably been doing this for years but I didn't put the 2 together cause they happen months apart from each other. I'm glad I got that cleared up finally. Feels like a triumph.
The kids want to do the same bike ride we did last night again tonight. I will take a regular camera this time - see if I can get some views of the same things for comparison.