Six new patterned bracelets in the shop
See them HERE My days seem so boring (to tell about) when all I do is work in my studio all day. I'm not bored cause I am concentrating on what I am doing and listening to music (which I love to do) but it is very boring to write about.
One of the hardest things today was trying to figure out names for these bracelets. I like to stamp a "name" in everything I make if possible and these are wide enough to put a word inside them. But what to name a simple bangle bracelet? Finally I got out the baby name book I have and leafed through it. I imagined some of these wire patterns as hair styles that I might see on a certain woman and what would that woman's name be. That's how I came up with the names - Anna, Cara, Helena, Gwyneth, Alana and Mari.
It rained a lot of the day so we didn't go outside.
I have my camera sitting on the table in front of my window waiting for a chance to get a photo of a goldfinch on the sunflower plant. I think it would make a great photo of one perched on one of the big leaves waiting it's turn to move over to the feeder but I just can't seem to catch one. That challenge was running in the background for me all day. One of these days...