sexy stargazer in the kitchen
I really like
elaine4queen's use of the "10" format and thought I might give it a try.
1. Today is my day off - Jill will be here at 9. I haven't figured out what to do with myself though.
2. I need to work on cleaning my studio - must get that done. Today would be another good day to try and stay with it since I won't have to worry about taking care of mom. I want to run from it but it's always here, messy and unusable when I get back.
3. Thinking a lot of my sister
earthmother45 and that she will be having a real live photography show soon. I'm so happy for her that she is having this success that she so deserves with her photos!
4. Had sex - wild abandoned sex yesterday with Dave - have no idea where the urge came from. He was watching a movie with the headphones on and I didn't want to bother him as he was laughing and seemed to enjoy it but I didn't think he would want to miss the chance, so I brought it to his attention that I was having "thoughts".
5. Sex and the urge to have sex (and the usual urge to not have sex since menopause) is such a mystery to me. I guess it is hormones but where are these hormones hiding away in my dried up body for so long? Hmm - going off the meds?
6. If I was to keep doing "10" style entries in the future I see I will be revealing more about myself as I'm really searching for things to write about. I usually don't mention sex here!
7. A nice day shaping up - we have had rain for what seems like days - I'm taking this laptop outside now.
i love my little cafe table
8. I used the Canon Powershot S3 for this - I'm going to start carrying that for a while. It's been kind of ignored (except for jewelry photography) since I got the Lumix LX3 and the Lensbaby on the D5000 last year. Poor little old Canon but it can do things that the other ones can't do at all - like telephoto! I used it for the hummingbirds at the feeder photo yesterday.
9. A happy feeling today to know I am free to be outside right now. In this job of taking care of mom, the time I have to spend inside so chaffs on me. I envy those who can go outside at their own will while I can't. But that is my self pity starting to rear it's stupid ugly head again. I can go outside more than a lot of people. People who have the usual full time job don't get to go outside either. I have to take my time outside when I can get it and thankfully here I am right now!
10. I have my back to the hummingbird feeder - lots of chitterings behind me as they work out who gets a feeding spot. Bluejays calling down back. A cardinal in the red maple beside me. And assorted other small twitterings from the trees. Leaves rustling. A breeze. I washed my face last night with a spiced orange scented soap and I keep getting whiffs from my hair. A chickadee at the seed feeder beside me. The cicadas have started.
hummers and over hanging heavenly blues