one photo a day inside - angel spin wreath (made with big diamond filter)
Pretty quiet Christmas day going on here. Jules came over and we (Dave, me, Chloe, Johnny, Jules and mom) gathered in the back room around 1 pm to exchange presents. I got a new sleeping bag, gift card for Red Lobster and the tubing to hook up the Mr Heater in my shed to a 20 gallon propane tank - plus the new camera I got for myself - I am very happy with my loot! But there is too much food in the house right now. A major food fest going on all the time and I have to fight my urges to overindulge. Anyway - I hope everyone else is having a great Christmas too (if you do celebrate xmas) - or just have a great day today!
Oh PS - if you get the chance to watch Cherry Blossoms (a 2008 German film) give it a try - I loved it.