I am pleased with the new format for my crap (+ everything) books. For some reason it matters to me that I be more integrated in my journals. I really like having an illustrated journal that will be all of me. Since it is such a large book (9" by 12") I am going to set it up with columns to write in but if I have larger art or collage I can still put that in too. When this one is full I will just make a new one. I'll number them on the cover. They might last about 3 to 5 months I figure.
first page spread
second page spread
If I write something too personal about someone else I will leave it for a few days and then collage over it - maybe in code so I can still remember what I wrote but others won't ever have to be embarrassed by it. I was laughing with Jules yesterday when I was telling him about my journals. My private journals are totally safe in this house - no one here has any interest in reading anything I write. It could be laying open on the table in front of them and they still wouldn't read it. I am boring to my family. He wanted to argue the point with me a little to be nice but in the end he had to agree. Maybe because I write too much - I don't know. Or my interests are so different from everyone else. I'm exaggerating though. Dave has read pages from my journal a few times (trapped in the bathroom with it) but it is very rare. He will sometimes read my live journal if it's open on the computer - especially if it has an interesting (to him) photo.
I was working on my AYOA book last night and Sebby was looking at it with me. It was so fun to have him guess what each picture was or what it might mean. He was right so often, or else so outlandish, we had to laugh.
Today: work on jewelry - I hope to get 4 things done soon. I take Oo-tapo to the vet tonight for a follow up. They will need to draw blood - darn - I'm sure he will hate that.