Yesterday's AYOA made with this stencil from a dinosaur skeleton kit that Roswell got for Christmas:
No Jill coming today so no "day off". But I'm going to devote my morning to collage as that is what I would be doing at ArtGroup anyway.
I was reading some other LJer's goals for the coming year and then wondering what would be my goals for 2010, for the next 5 years, for my life? I have been pretty pleased with how the jewelry making business has been going. I have tried my best to put that in god's hands. Trusting that customers would show up if I just do the footwork of getting my stuff seen out there. I need to do a listing each day (etsy-a-day) or as often as I can, and I will be fine (I trust). Things did slow down a lot when the recession really hit a few years ago but it never totally stopped working for me. Our local economy is very depressed but there is still money "out there" - I can reach those people with the internet. And I like doing business for myself, being my own middleman. So my goals with business are just keep doing what I'm doing. I could clean up my WTS website - I KEEP saying that over and over and never really do it - maybe my goal this year should be to seriously DO IT! I need to make my internet time more productive - do my business work when I have the computer time and do less time-wasting/shopping/looking for things I can't afford and don't buy anyway.
I don't know what to say about other goals - family goals? Housing goals? There is an intermediate time coming - a big time of change but I don't know exactly when. After mom passes away we will be moving out of her house. There will be massive cleaning to do and preparation for selling it and our house next door. My goal, our goal is to move back to the country (isolated woods) someday. Find an affordable smaller house (but I do need a large studio - no compromise there) that can be heated mainly with wood or free natural gas. My goal in maybe the next 5 years (?) is to get THERE. And my goal for the rest of my life is to live there - spend lots of time outside, develop a garden, keep working on the jewelry till I am very old, I don't ever want to retire from that, have fun with collage journaling and art for my pleasure only. Travel - get a little travel trailer. Go to Florida for part of the winter. Not get any more animals when these are gone - be animal free for travel - (hmmm... maybe one little dog - I don't think I would like living without a doggy).
One present goal though - I want to get back to doing at least 20 minutes of exercise bike every day. I need to kickstart some weight loss. Just eating well isn't working to lose this weight.
But as far as goals go - plans go - you can't tell what is coming - like today. I had plans for today (go out, creek walk and lunch with Dave or else visit Deb's house for artgroup) and they are all gone now. I have new plans now - stay home and take care of mom, collage. I can only hope things go as I am planning but my serenity depends on my acceptance of what IS.