Today is the first day the grandboys are going to their new school. Jules drove them (just today) but they should be coming home on the bus (with grammy waiting to receive them) as per our new schedule. The main thing I worry about is getting them ON the bus. I just don't have the patience I used to - and actually I'm not sure I even had that much patience before. Last minute problems (with heightened emotions) are aggravating. They say kids keep you young - hmm... I will be young forever then - why do I feel so old? Does that mean that old people make you old if young people keep you young?
ANYway.. they are all gone now and it's quiet again - just mom and me. The usual Monday morning quiet. I got my super duper compact oil paint set on Friday - I love it (as an "object" in itself) and I haven't even opened the paint tubes yet - ha! I'm waiting to get some canvas boards before I test the colors out. I love the POTENTIAL of it though. But I'm not sure of what I even want to paint first. My fantasy was that I would be outside and painting ala prima (like the Bloomsbury's). But that's mostly just a fantasy as I hardly get any time outside. That is why it is pure and unsullied *potential*. Or I could do a self portrait - not that I am that good at making realistic likenesses - but I've wanted to do more self portraits for quite a while, as art therapy. Still life could be nice - I loved one especially that (I think) Carrington did that was in the Bloomsbury show. Or just paint fantasy/art therapy images - my favorite idea. Mainly this whole oil paint thing has been an obsessive thought - it keeps my mind busy thinking and planning (and away from depressive thoughts) - maybe it doesn't even matter if I ever paint anything. It has served it's purpose as "good" mind food. I drove Chloe and Johnny back to Clarion yesterday afternoon and the whole time we were on the road I was framing scenery in my head, painting in my mind, seeing with heightened senses.
Chloe took us to the ceramic studio and showed us her sea dragon - fresh from the kiln. It is supposed to be displayed in a garden so it looks like it is rising out of the gravel or mulch. I think it is wonderful!
Well, that's all the news for now... time to get off this computer.