Today is a Cat Stevens day. I have 8 cd's of his stored in my external hard drive and will play them one at a time to get them over to the main computer today.
We picked up our taxes last night - we are getting a very nice refund this year. Car shopping will start soon.
The snow we had last night should melt today- supposed to get up into the 40's later. The sun is shining already! This photo was from 6:30 am.
Yes, I got up early again today! But now my free morning time is gone - it's 9 am and time to get mom up for her hot coco and meds.
Plans for the day:
pay bills
look over and sign the tax papers
select the papers for a new AI book and then set it aside to sew it later (I will have to tear myself away from it...) because...
I want to do jewelry work today too - must get back into that! I do love the jewelry work but right now I am OBSESSED with books - I must get balanced again.
Here's the collage I put on my little pocket sized AI book from yesterday:
Hmmm... I think I'm going to experiment with putting grommets in the book covers - that looks kind of sloppy with the ragged edges of the punched holes...