Good Morning. I didn't know what to draw this morning so I just started with the rule that it should have a circle and 2 eyes. Silly. It's not done. I used watercolor pencils so the lines will spread and move around when I do the next step and add water. I like it like this too though so I took a picture.
Rainy gets her hair cut today. I invited Berdella along to have lunch with me in town while I'm waiting for Rainy to be done. Dave is still deep into hunting. This time of year he is very distracted and focused on Being Out There In The Woods Everyday, all day. I used to be lonely and kind of angry that he was so unavailable this time of year. I wrote a good poem about it once which I wish I could find. But I'm getting more accepting of it now. Whatever. It's something he really likes. Though I'm just annoyed at the whole hunting thing. I WISH there was another way to control the deer population (without introducing wolves and more coyotes) that didn't have hunters accidently maiming the deer or shooting them in ways that don't bring a quick death. Dave is a very careful hunter and waits for a good shot. But all kinds of unplanned things can happen. He loves being out there so he tries to stretch hunting season out for as long as he can. Most the time he hopes to get a big buck on close to the last day so he can have more days out there in the woods. That's his ideal hunting scenario. Which makes me a deer widow for 2 weeks.
Well, onward. The chickens will need some attention soon. And I'm looking forward later to seeing what water will do to that picture.